2007 Recap Meme

{meme in which one takes the first line of the first post from each month and looks at it as a summary of the year. and is a little stunned at the results. NOTE: [My Vox] blog didn't start until March so the first two months are from Comic Book Commentary.} January: In the most glaring sign yet of how much my tastes have changed over the 3.5 years since I started reading comics again, compare my Best of 2004 choices to this year's stellar roundup (below). February: I have a love-hate relationship with Black History Month, simultaneously appreciating the thought behind…

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Best of 2006

In the most glaring sign yet of how much my tastes have changed over the 3.5 years since I started reading comics again, compare my Best of 2004 choices to this year’s stellar roundup (below). Posted nearly two months before the year had ended, that 2004 list was limited to ongoing series, two of which were canceled prematurely, in my opinion, and two others that were cut from my pull list a while back. The lone survivor, Conan, remains a consistently good read, and a repeat honoree on my 2005 list, but it didn’t make the cut this year. In fact, reflecting my gradual shift towards OGNs and TPBs, only three ongoing/mini-series made my list this year.

Top 10 Comics of 2006(in alphabetical order)


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Me, Me, Me Meme

1. What time did you get up this morning?7am 2. Diamonds or Pearls?Silver3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?X3: The Last Stand4. What is your favorite TV show?Grey's Anatomy5. What did you have for breakfast this morning?Coffee6. What is your middle name?LeCharles7. What is your favorite cuisine?I like a wide range of food, but I got in trouble last time for not saying "Anything my wife cooks." ;-)8. What foods do you dislike?Weird textures, especially mushy stuff.9. Your favorite Potato chip?Pringles10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?The last mix CD I made.11. what kind…

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5 Things Tagomeme

Via Salomé; now consider yourself tagged!5 things in my refrigerator:1. Nestlé Quik Chocolate Syrup2. Nathan's Brown Mustard3. Gallon water dispenser4. Assorted chocolate candies5. 4 bottles of Heineken5 things in my closet:1. Shirts2. Pants3. Shoes4. Comic books5. My old Vectrex system5 things in my pursebag:1. Gameboy Advance SP2. MP3 player3. Composition notebook4. Cell phone5. Plastic baggie w/baby wipes5 things in my car:1. 2 Children's car seats2. Stroller3. 2 Folding lawn chairs4. Isaac's Grow to Pro 3-in-1 Baseball Trainer5. One each of Isaac and India's first sneakers

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Ye Olde Comick Booke Meme

From Ye Olde Comick Booke Blogge, via Chris @ 2 Guys... Hypothetical situation: Due to diminished readership and rising paper costs, it has been decided only fifteen comic titles will be published from this day forward. You have been charged with the decisions of which titles shall be printed and what creative teams will be assigned to them... What fifteen comic books will we find on the racks next month and who will be the creative teams behind them? This is kind of tough since I still tend to favor characters over creators -- except in the case of creator-owned…

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LINK: Project Rooftop

PROJECT ROOFTOPProject Rooftop is where cartoonists and illustrators bring their costume design skills to task in tribute to the superheroes and villains we’ve grown up with. This site is intended to promote positive costume design as well as foster continued interest for these amazing characters.This site was inspired by a lot of different things, including the recent Batgirl Meme, and AdHouse Books‘ Project: Superior, the television program Project Runway, the videogame tribute site Lifemeter, the introduction of the superhero fashion designer Edna Mode in The Incredibles, and the growing number of indie comics artists, especially on LiveJournal, where superhero redesigns…

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Blog, I have forsaken thee…

Remember when I used to post every day, sometimes multiple times a day? Those were heady times, between the war and the elections and the poetry scene, etc. Nowadays, I don't think I'm even averaging one post a week.Part of the reason is that comics have pretty much taken over the little bit of free time I have, so most of what I have to say these days either goes on CBC or Buzzscope. On the personal front, I've always been reluctant to get too personal here, and Salomé is doing a much better job of keeping people updated on…

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