In triplicate

In Triplicate (inspired by revolutionaryscum and javabill) Three things I am wearing right now 1) my grandfather's ring 2) a pocket watch 3) pair of silver hoop earrings Three things on my desk 1) several pictures of my family 2) "I'm not bossy, I just have better ideas" sign 3) paperwork for eight in-progress projects Three things I want to do before I die 1) write and publish three novels 2) live outside of the U.S. 3) inspire my children Three bad things about my personality 1) stubborn 2) ruthless 3) impatient Three good things about my personality 1) passionate…

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Box of Dozens

One of the more interesting memes I've come across, swiped from theklute's LiveJournal: So, say you were meeting a new person - blind date, new friend, who knows. And you wanted them to have some idea of what kind of person you are, and who you are. But you can't actually tell them in so many words. Instead, you have to give them a box, with a dozen things in it for them to ponder over. What would you put in the box? No cheating - you're not allowed to include things such as links to your livejournal. WHAT I'D…

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Puke-arama: Night 2! The fun never ends... And the snow is falling, and I'm cranky from a hectic day at work, and I'm exhausted from a lack of uninterrupted sleep. I do have several new comic books that I picked up at lunch, though, all but $5 of which were free thanks to my $20 rebate kicking in! So it's not all bad. :-) In other news, you don't want to mess with me. Either of me! The allergy thing is odd, though. Either way, I'm a bad mofo. Shut yo'mouth! Your Supervillain Career by NinjaDinerYour NameYour Claim to FameAn…

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20 things you may not know about me

Okay, okay! Not sure if I can come up with 20 things you may not know about me (especially if you’ve read this journal regularly the over the past year) but I’ll give it a shot and try not to repeat anything. Take your pick in laying the blame for this: Dawn, Tony or RAC.

1. I skipped the first two weeks of all of my classes my senior year in High School. I lied my way back into all but one, my Health class, a half-year requirement. Took in the final semester and had to take my final on a different day thanks to a schedule conflict. The test was misplaced and not graded and the day before graduation, at rehearsal, I was told I wasn’t graduating. They found it later that day and everything worked out but I was as scared as I’d ever been for those few hours.

2. I was on the Winter Track team that year. Hurdles and the 400m relay. Nearly blacked out during my first relay competition. Went from 1st to 5th in my first hurdles event after tripping over the last hurdle. The assistant coach was also my Meterology teacher (half-year elective, anyone?) and gave 5 points towards the final grade for every individual medal won. I won two medals. I got a 75 in the class. (Side note: He was also a Jets fan, his stated reason for letting me back into his Oceanography class after missing two weeks, per #1.)

3. I smoked weed for the first time that year, in the courtyard where most people openly smoked cigarettes. This was Lakeland High School, the school I was uprooted from Mt. Vernon for at the end of the 11th grade because it had better test scores and was in “a better environment.” Translation: white neighborhood.

4. I turned down a scholarship to the School of Visual Arts (film) in 1987 to concentrate on being a full-time Jehovah’s Witness.

5. My first roommate after I left home (and the JW’s) in 1988 had a girlfriend that was on Pan Am’s Flight 108 that crashed in Lockerbie that year. We had a Christmas party planned for that weekend and she was to come down for it and stay for the week.


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2003 In Review

This will have to last through Monday... 1. What did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before? Contributed $$$ to a political campaign. 2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Don't generally make specific resolutions other than to be true to myself. I am resolving to quit (or more likely, drastically cut down on) drinking. It's been 17 days... 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Not that I recall, though Frandie announced they're expecting early next year! :-) 4. Did anyone close to you die? No. Knock…

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Authors-on-your-shelf meme (Meme: copy somebody else's list, delete the authors that aren't on your shelf, and add some authors you have - keeping the number at ten.) Dawn Saylor's List: Neil Gaiman Michael Chabon Jack McCarthy Douglas Adams Philip K. Dick Sandra Cisneros Lee Francis Erica Jong Jhumpa Lahiri Jonathon Franzen My List, in no particular order: Lawrence Block Carl Hiaasen Matt Ruff Ed Greenwood Jessica Rydill Howard Zinn Gary Jennings Eduardo Galeano Willie Perdomo Patricia Smith Not a single bit of overlap! Unless you count comic books, in which case I can claim Gaiman via 1602. And I think…

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