It's been four days since my last confession, Blogger, but in a rare switcheroo, I was busy talking smack over on my little-used LiveJournal account, commenting on the debacle that was the 2004 National Poetry Slam. I won't get into it here other than to say, while I feel bad for those who attended and … Continue reading

Just read the text of Kerry's prepared speech - not the transcript of the one actually delivered which varied slightly - and can't help but think in terms of the poetry slam: 4.8 for content, 3.0 for performance. Which in this image-obsessed, media-driven world, one where George Bush is able to successfully present himself as … Continue reading

I may be speaking a bit prematurely on this but I'm bored at work and excited about the potential of this new wrinkle that's come up. I mentioned a couple of days ago that I wasn't feeling the idea of continuing louder than words after Eric heads west. One of the keys to the show … Continue reading

What do American Idol and poetry slam have in common? A little bit of irony to set it up first. As a kid, I was notorious for always being late. Not a few minutes late, either, but often an hour or more. Because my mother was pretty strict, I knew 5 minutes was as bad … Continue reading

I. Poetry Slam, Inc. Two poetry slam-related things I never expected to see: 1. Taylor Mali is the new President of Poetry Slam. Inc. 2. This. The Taylor thing is actually an interesting wrinkle that could mean PSI becoming relevant again. People may not agree with Taylor's positions on a lot of things but there's … Continue reading