Tag: Politics

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

McCain knocks out Giuliani AND Bloomberg!

John McCain apparently landed a devastating 1-2 punch with his victory in Florida Tuesday night, not only knocking the clueless Rudy Giuliani out of the race but also effectively knee-capping Michael Bloomberg’s oft-rumored, self-financed Independent run: Senator Lieberman says the increasing likelihood that Senator McCain will win the Republican nomination could keep Mayor Bloomberg on the sidelines

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Processing South Carolina

In my most optimistic guesses about tonight’s result, I wasn’t expecting anything close to the 2-1 thumping Obama gave Clinton tonight. The Clintons are already trying to characterize it as a black thing (Bill goes so far as to invoke Jesse Jackson) but it is so very clearly much more than that. To put it in

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Straight talk about the Clintons, the Media and South Carolina

Jack and Jill Politics has an excellent post entitled “The Clintons, Black Folk and America – A Reckoning” that takes the Clintons’ bait about how great the 90s were and feeds it back to them, barbed hook and all: All folks, not just black, start to publicly dig into the past and challenge the assumptions

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

If I Had to Vote Republican

Random thoughts on tonight’s Republican Debate (live-blogging): The format of the debate, with Brian Williams and Tim Russert asking specific questions with little follow-up or interaction from the other candidates makes things a little stilted. [ETA: This got better as the night wore on.] I was surprised and glad to see Ron Paul on the

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

High School Musical

Taking a break from politics for some mindless memeing…  Go to this convenient compilation site right here http://longboredsurfer.com/charts.php and find the five years you were in high school. For each year, admit to the song that was your favorite at the time, then decide which one you now generally consider to be the best song

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Time Out!

Okay, once I start posting 2am rants about politics, it’s clearly time to pause for a deep breath and talk about something else for awhile. …  Spindle? Chugging along quite nicely. We hit 15,000 page views on Sunday and today’s update concludes the “official” launch. Now I have to start working on February’s content, including a new Notable New

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

The SC Debate

In retrospect, I’m so annoyed that I missed tonight’s debate in favor of poetry, but I’m glad that Obama apparently finally brought it: “I can’t tell who I’m running against sometimes.” [youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MD9F1t9GQzA] Sorry, but it’s official. I hate the Clintons and I will not vote for Hillary if she’s the Democratic nominee, even if Bloomberg doesn’t

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Ten OTHER Things Martin Luther King Said

From Ill Doctrine (with a hat tip to Maria Jackson via Facebook). Side note: The fact that so many people in major corporations have to work today, a NATIONAL HOLIDAY, says a whole lot about how ready for change we may or may not be. Interestingly, South Carolina was the last state to recognize it as a holiday,

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Is Barack Obama Electable?

This started out as a reply to a friend’s email who asked the question, and despite my wanting needing to come up for air from the political waters for a day or two to avoid an early repeat of 2004 where my frustrations got the better of me and my cynicism hit new lows, it evolved

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

There’s Something (Wrong) About Hillary, Pt. II

And the hits just keep coming! First it’s the disingenuous twisting and distorting of Barack Obama’s statements about Ronald Reagan which (rightly, IMO) suggested that Reagan had tapped into and delivered upon a desire for fundamental change in a way that Bill Clinton’s presidency didn’t. At no point did Obama suggest that he thought Reagan was a “great” president, though: “I do think that, for example,

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