Tag: Politics

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Gambling with God in Nevada

With the cynical lawsuit to stop casino workers from caucusing on the Strip tomorrow having been rightly dismissed, the LA Times has an interesting article entitled “Clinton plays gaming card against Obama“, pointing out her latest attempt to muddy the waters in what is looking more and more like a campaign against Barack Obama instead of the campaign for

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

My Awesome God’s Full of Hope!

(an off-the-cuff villanelle, kind of by request) Because we live in a time of pure dread our future at the mercy of madmen I worship the awesome god in my head. Bush kisses his nukes each night before bed while Cheney cackles away in his den because we live in a time of pure dread. With Rudi’s campaign

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

There’s Something (Wrong) About Hillary

As recently as this past Saturday, while working the Obama visibility event in Union Square, I said to several people that I thought one of the best things about this election is that we have three viable Democratic candidates who have a legitimate shot at winning the Presidency in November. Barack Obama, obviously, is my first

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Obama Visibility in Union Square

I attended my first “visibility” event for Barack Obama yesterday, in Union Square, right in the midst of the Greenmarket, a perfect location to both be seen by and talk to a pretty diverse range of New Yorkers. There were approx. 20 of us spread throughout the Market, armed with “Obama ’08” signs and, with the deadline

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

The Problem With John McCain

I said elsewhere recently that I thought John McCain would be the least likely Republican candidate to make a Freudian slip and drop a racial epithet if running against Barack Obama. I’d forgotten about his reference to “gooks” during the 2000 presidential primaries, though. And then, during last night’s Republican debate on Fox — one

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Calm down, people (Part II)

One of the must-read blogs for coverage of the primaries is Talking Point Memo’s Election Central, and they’ve just posted the text of an Obama campaign memo noting the strong fundraising over the first 8 days of the new year — more than $8 million plus 35,000 new donors, which includes me and my now $100 in donations

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Calm down, people

“In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope!” — Barack Obama Anyone falling for the media spin that Hillary Clinton’s victory last night in New Hampshire was an upset (or even a comeback) is suffering from a seriously short attention span. She was leading pretty comfortably there before Iowa and

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

I Believe, and I’m All In

Barack Obama pulled off something special last night with his impressive victory in the Iowa caucuses, and while I’m always reluctant to declare “history in the making” while still in the moment, it’s hard not to get caught up in the glorious potential of that moment. This moment. “Public sentiment is everything. With public sentiment, nothing can

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Obama, I Choose You!

Back in 2004 I discovered an election sim called President Forever via a random Google ad on my old blog, bought it and spent many a late night frustrated over my unsuccessful attempts to lead Dennis Kucinich to simulated victory over Dubya. No surprise, really, but it was still a fun game that nicely married

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Preliminary Thoughts on Election 2008

I refuse to become as emotionally invested in the presidential race this time around, largely because none of the candidates speak to me as strongly as Kucinich did back in 2004 when he represented an admittedly longshot at legitimate change.  Between him and Sharpton, there were issues put on the table that couldn’t easily be swept

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