Buzzscope: Down With the King?

My latest Establishing Shots column is up, a look at what Stephen King's DARK TOWER project with Marvel means for indie creators.This isn’t Joss Whedon taking on the X-Men or promoting his movie; and it’s not Brad Meltzer taking on some of the most recognizable icons in American pop culture. This is Stephen King offering original material in a sequential format, in a genre that is, to put it charitably, under everybody's radar when it comes to comic books.Funny thing about a monthly column that's equal parts commentary and site hype, is the commentary aspect rarely ends up being about…

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CBC Quickees: Home Sick Edition

Can't title these by the previous Wednesday anymore since my posting schedule and To Read pile are wildly out of sync. Been home sick most of this week, though, and have been able to cut the pile almost in half. Rocketo #1 and XIII #1 are still buried at the bottom, and I'm thinking I've given up on following either of them.Infinite Crisis #1 and House of M #7: Seemingly every comics blogger and their mother has offered some sort of commentary on these two blockbusters, so I'm going to split my two cents between them. IC was overly dependent…

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On the Shelves: 9/8/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try NEW comics!The column formerly known as "Try Something Different" has become something different. Instead of listing every single comic book shipping each week, the newly rechristened "On the Shelves" will instead take a look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 9/8/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one, or try or]AARDVARK-VANAHEIM/WIN-MILL PRO Following Cerebus #5, $3.95Can someone explain the appeal of this…

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CBC Quickees: 8/24/05

Quick reviews of comics I read last week, rated 0 to 5 stars.Black Panther #7 (Marvel; $2.99)Um...damn, Hudlin is really making it hard to keep up my defense of his work here. On the heels of the his first arc's hasty and inconclusive wrapup - he never really did get to the heart of "Who is the Black Panther?" - comes an awkward House of M tie-in which, despite the pagelong intro, will likely leave any brand new readers he brought in sitting in the dark. About the only good thing I can say is that it comes the closest…

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INFO: CBC Update

The jury's still out on CBC v2.0, but some recent developments have added a couple of unexpected twists to the plot, so this is sort of an update/brain-dump for future reference when real life isn't quite so hectic.Development #1: Out of the blue, about a month ago, Erech Overaker asked me to contribute a script to a comic anthology he's putting together, and after some initial hesitation, I figured what the hell. "Those who can, do..." sort of thing that I decided to approach as a challenge; a preemptive strike on thin-skinned creators who respond to negative reviews with variations…

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Insane in the Membrane

This has turned into an insane week!PISSY WORK STUFFLate Monday afternoon I found out I had to put together three PowerPoint presentations for the first day of our summer sales meeting, aka tomorrow, thanks to our Publisher's unexpected and, for all intents and purposes, immediate move over to our Conferences division, leaving our senior sales guy caught out there having to take over at the last second. Among the many things on the two-day agenda is a presentation on a new magazine we're launching in October that primarily lives in the no-longer-Publisher's head. Because I've been working on the marketing…

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Try Something Different: 7/27/05

Support Independent Comics!Independent comics (and manga) being released tomorrow, 7/27/05, courtesy of ComicList. Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it.Recommendations, sometimes blind, in BOLD. Which ones are YOU reading?AC COMICS Men Of Mystery #54, $6.95ACTOR Actor DFE Hunter Killer Alt Cvr #1, $6.99 Actor New Avengers #2 Miki Sgn, $19.99 Actor X-Men Forever #1 Alt Cover, $10.00A. D. VISION Full Metal Panic Manga Vol 8 TPB, $9.99 Notenki Memoirs SC, $9.99ALIAS ENTERPRISES LLC Dreamland Chronicles #2 (Of 24), $4.50 Gimoles #1 (Of…

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