Random Top 5: Most Anticipated

The reorganizing of the apartment continues, but the comics bookshelf is complete, with every graphic novel and comic book-related book I own now in one place. Some had been stashed away in longboxes, but now that they're all breathing freely, I've noticed there are several I've yet to get around to reading yet.As soon as I'm finished reading The Prestige, the five I'm most anticipating getting to next are:5) Black Superheroes, Milestone Comics and Their Fans, by Jeffrey A. Brown4) Outlaws, Rebels, Freethinkers & Pirates, by Bob Levin3) Project: Romantic, by Various2) Goodbye, Chunky Rice, by Craig Thompson1) Will Eisner's…

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Life of a Salesman and other stuff

Heading up to Boston tomorrow (8am flight!) for five meetings in two days, pitching the two magazines that really attracted me to the position in the first place. (There's five I sell for altogether, but three of them are pretty well established and don't have as much new ground to break.) Two existing clients, one newish client (my first sale) and two brand-spanking new ones. If I can pull some solid business from at least two of them for 2007, it will be a successful trip, worth the stress and inconvenience being away from home during the week causes.Did I…

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The Prestige, Comics, Life, etc.

** No, I haven't seen Heroes yet, though not for lack of interest. Probably end up getting the Season One DVD and watching it when I retire, along with the many other movies and TV shows I've missed over the past couple of years. I did see The Prestige, though, and loved it. (Bought the novel, which I just started reading, mistakenly thinking it was by the Christopher Priest from comics.) Christopher Nolan is up there with M. Night Shyamalan and David Fincher as one of my favorite directors, and Christian Bale solidified his standing as my favorite Batman/Bruce Wayne.…

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Random Thoughts and a Flashback

Work's starting to develop a rhythm; staccato, perhaps, but a rhythm, nevertheless.I haven't stepped on a scale to confirm it, but my pants have been telling me I've gained back the 10+ pounds I lost over the summer. The bike I got for my birthday has been used twice since August, and the elliptical bike we bought last month is already a clothes hanger. There simply isn't time for exercising.As a Mets fan, I was hoping the A's would pull out the ALCS, but as a baseball fan, I'm glad Detroit won. Now if only the Mets can get right…

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Feels Like It’s Been Forever…

There are currently 758 new posts in my "Comics" folder on Bloglines, and 202 new emails in my Gmail inbox. I am once again three weeks behind on picking up my weekly haul from Midtown Comics, the second time that's happened in the past six weeks. I haven't been online for personal reasons (other than a couple of times for fantasy football) for more than 10 minutes at any given time in the past three weeks. Except for yesterday, when I had no choice, I haven't made it home from work before 7:30pm in the past two weeks. Star Wars:…

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Where’d You Go?

Does anyone even read this thing any more? For the three or so of you who are still checking in, a quick update: I finally found a new job! After 14 years in various types of publishing-related marketing, I'm stepping up to the next rung on the ladder and moving into sales. No, it's not American Express redux! I can think of a million better ways to have my soul die a death of a thousand cuts and I have no interest in revisiting those particular depths. It's the northeast territory for a group of publications I've been doing marketing…

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On the Shelves: 7/26/06

Read GOOD Comics, not just the ones you're used to! Try something new EVERY month. My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 7/26/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com] PICK OF THE WEEK Bumperboy and the Loud, Loud MountainADHOUSE BOOKS Bumperboy & Loud Loud Mountain GN, $8.95 Only irredeemably evil people would take a pass on Bumperboy, the best…

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