As Ebook Dust Settles, Publishing’s Future Remains Bright
In these final days of 2015, here we are, with a traditional publishing industry that’s evolved to include new players and business models, alongside an independent publishing industry that’s steadily growing and continually evolving, too. What we haven’t seen are the radical disruptions that so many predicted were right on the horizon…
Asian = Fortune Cookies, and other American Blindspots
Having our own kids growing up around a relatively diverse group of kids was an important factor for us when we left the Bronx nearly four years ago, and while we technically found what we were looking for, what we didn’t account for was the overwhelmingly white staff that would be teaching them.
5 Career Tips to Survive Publishing’s Digital Shift
Transition, transformation, disruption, disintermediation… whichever word you prefer, the publishing industry is undergoing a massive shift that’s being driven by the Internet, with the news and magazine sides arguably a bit further ahead of the curve than the book side, for better or worse, though few major players among them are seeing any light at
Realms of Fantasy Probably Can’t be Saved
I casually followed the transition for a couple of months before losing interest, and was disappointed to check in last week to find an uninspired website and social media presence, and PDF-only digital editions. I also realized I hadn’t noticed the magazine on the newsstands in months.
If Your Business Model is Your Most Interesting Story…
What I most like about Wendig is not that he has one foot firmly planted on both sides of the fence, strategically taking advantage of self-publishing opportunities, while also working the traditional channels. It’s that he’s a good writer and gives good story. When that’s your starting point, business models are simply tools, not useless badges to prop up your sad little ego.
You Know What’s “Uninspired,” Prof. Galloway? (UPDATED)
In the pre-digital days, influential media brands like Cosmopolitan and Vogue were one of the primary gateways for marketers to connect with consumers. They offered an attentive audience that would have been difficult for most marketers to gather without investing heavily in staff and infrastructure. Today, those media brands are no longer primary gateways, and marketers aren’t nearly as reliant on them to reach their desired audience as they used to be as they now have cost-effective tools at their disposal to engage directly with consumers.
What is Journalism?
Journalism is more than soundbites or “just the facts, ma’am” but getting “the facts” is a critical first step that involves the kind of research, investigation and perspective few link-bloggers can offer. While people may think they don’t care about “journalism,” they usually realize that’s not the case when the lack thereof leads to things like political scandals, financial disasters, and ill-conceived wars.
Dumb Pipes, Devaluing Content: It’s All About Context
In backing down, I suspect Jobs saw the HTML5 on the wall and realized he was fighting a rare losing battle, playing hardball with major content producers whose early, enthusiastic and unabated promotion of the iPad — as inherently a consumption device as has ever been conceived — helped demonstrate its value to consumers. It was, theoretically, a mutually beneficial relationship until his reach finally exceeded his grasp.
DIY’s Great, But WHO Are We Doing it For?
“Just do it!” was definitely an underlying theme of the day as the deceptively sexy notion of the “democratization” of content creation and distribution was frequently noted, but I realized towards the end of the day, what was missing was any reference to the issue of access, and the ever-widening digital divide.
So You Have a Platform; Now What?
And now blogging is — and very shortly became — something people do do because they are ambitious. –Lizzie Skurnick When all is said and done, one of my personal highlights from 2010 will undoubtedly be the “Why Keep Blogging?” panel I participated on at SXSW, partly because it was a great session that was