Happy Birthday, Salomé! If our friends Danny and Xia are like a CBS sitcom, as he suggests, then I'm thinking Salomé and I are like the Jeffersons. Louise Jefferson is a warm-hearted person. Her personality is completely opposite from that of her husband George, who is quick-tempered and opinionated. She is levelheaded where George is pig-headed, which helps to keep him in his place. --TVLand.comWord to my Weezie! :-)

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"Those who can, do. Those who can't, edit." While that's not always true, in light of my inability to write something in time for the newly-launched e-zine of "cutting-edge non-fiction," loupe, I've decided to do the next best thing...launch a web site of my own to highlight all of the great writing I come across in my online travels - not unlike like that appearing in loupe and other e-zines and blogs I read regularly. [drumroll, please...] ANECDOTAL EVIDENCE Critiquing the American Dream ABOUT US Anecdotal Evidence is dedicated to the idea that while everyone has an opinion, the majority…

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Eminem really stepped up to the plate with his latest single, Mosh, evoking memories of Public Enemy's Fight the Power glory days and offering a glimmer of hope for rap's going back to the future and becoming relevant again. The animated video is a powerful visual statement as well and needs to go into instant heavy rotation on every music video channel. Watch it now and pass it on. Mosh, Eminem [I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America And to the Republic for which it stands One nation under God Indivisible] It feels so good…

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It's one thing to believe Kerry is the right choice for President, but it's a whole 'nother ballgame to see him as the lesser of two evils and vote for him anyway. Back in 2000, I recognized Bush for the hand puppet that he was/is and was adamantly against the idea that Gore was the lesser of two evils, villifying anyone that supported Nader instead or simply didn't bother to vote when they knew they were in a swing state. Gore ran a terrible campaign, much worse than Kerry's, underestimating both Bush and his level of support (and, in retrospect,…

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The Forgotten is nothing like The Sixth Sense and to suggest otherwise is reductionism at it's worst. If anything, the most appropriate [reductionist] synopysis, and quite possibly the studio pitch, would be to say that it's like Ransom crossed with the X-Files, with a strong female lead. Of course, that probably wouldn't sell very many tickets as an ad campaign! Unlike the Sixth Sense, though, the ill-conceived trailers for The Forgotten, while incredibly effective as attention-getters, leave very little room for any mystery regarding what's actually going on. You know pretty quickly that there can only be one explanation, but…

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While Batman, and I guess Moon Knight, would be the most obvious alter egos, neither was a Legionnaire... You're Brin Londo, Timber Wolf! Which Legionnaire are you? brought to you by Quizilla It's been years since I've read a Legion book so I'm not sure how on the mark this is, but the description works for me. Interestingly, the latest issue of Teen Titans, #16, sets the stage for a new Legion of Superheroes series that looks like it might be fun. They always struck me as a bit cheeseball, what with names like Lightning Lad and Karate Kid, but…

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Kerry Weak; Kucinich Dissed

"I'm John Kerry and I'm reporting for duty." That's the best intro they could come up with for this clown? The biggest speech of his life and he goes with not just a bad pun, but one that is basically a slap in the face to every anti-war Democrat that's being asked to hold their nose and pull the lever for him in November, as an icebreaker? I really, really, REALLY despise this guy. So much so, he's even tainted my opinion of John Edwards. If he keeps doing that dorky little thumbs-up thing he does I'm going to reach…

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