Tag: TV

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Josh Gracin. Why does this twangy fool irritate me so? I’ve been Googling him to get some more information on his status and it’s all annoyingly vague and largely supportive. It’s disgusting that this guy is living it up in a mansion in the Hollywood Hills, “pursuing his dream,” supposedly using his leave-time to remain

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Quien es Dame Edna?

Dame Edna… My goodness. If I get one more email sent to me about boycotting Vanity Fair because Dame Edna made racist comments about Latinos, I think I might lose my mind! I mean, really! First of all, it’s a dipshit magazine with great photos and the occasional good article, packaged for people that think

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