Give me a talk show!

I really should have my own talk show. Radio or TV, I don't care which! I first mentioned the following possibility on December 10, 2003: The real New Hampshire winner is a former New York mayor Politically speaking, a Bush-Giuliani ticket would solve a lot of problems...Assume John Kerry and John Edwards make up the Democratic ticket, playing on the same populist themes that are serving them well in the current campaign. Set up against Bush-Cheney, the election becomes a war for turnout of the bases, with many in the political middle written off. Put Giuliani in the mix and…

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I Get Around

create your own visited states map or write about it on the open travel guide Of these, I've lived in NY, NJ, TN, FL and VA. The majority of the other states were solely thanks to poetry gigs as I would otherwise have never visited them at all. Specifically, California, Colorado, DC, Illinois, Minnesota, Texas, Rhode Island, Washington and Vermont. Yeeeeeeeeeeeeearrrrrrrgh! ;-) From 1999-2000, when I did most of my sporadic "touring," my primary criteria for traveling somewhere was whether it was a place I'd likely never visit otherwise. As long as I could make enough money to break even,…

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10. Because you'd like to see him elected legitimately this time. 9. Because women have too much control over their own bodies. 8. Because affirmative action is reverse racism and slavery was a long time ago. 7. Because you are a CEO or other high-ranking corporate executive. 6. Because you're single with no kids and drive an SUV. 5. Because you can afford your own health insurance, have significant money in the stock market and/or send your kids to parochial school. 4. Because those uncivilized Arabs need a Starbucks, Wal-Mart and McDonald's on every corner. 3. Because the Pentagon is…


2003 In Review

This will have to last through Monday... 1. What did you do in 2003 that you'd never done before? Contributed $$$ to a political campaign. 2. Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year? Don't generally make specific resolutions other than to be true to myself. I am resolving to quit (or more likely, drastically cut down on) drinking. It's been 17 days... 3. Did anyone close to you give birth? Not that I recall, though Frandie announced they're expecting early next year! :-) 4. Did anyone close to you die? No. Knock…

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Are you registered to vote?

An interesting take on politics and the current election for President for those who think voting is a waste of time: How an anarchist came to run the Kucinich campaign in Rhode Island. Part 1. (excerpted from article) Since we’re nowhere near revolution right now, someone is going to be President. To pretend that not voting or not being involved in the political process will make the Presidency disappear is to be more foolish than the libertarians who pretend that by working to make someone else richer your freedom, individuality, dignity, and basic rights should disappear. So as a…

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So they captured Hussein. Congratulations to the soldiers for a job well done but, in the big picture, all I can say is big whoop. The reality is that his capture will have little effect on the ongoing guerilla war in Iraq that has seen 317 American soldiers die since Bush declared an end to major combat back on May 1st. MAY 1st! That's 7 1/2 months of...minor (?) combat following the "war" that apparently lasted only 5 weeks! Fun with semantics, brought to you by the most illiterate President in our history. And all the analysts and pundits that…

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Last cigarette: One week ago. A Newport while at Acentos. Last big car ride: This past June, to VA and back, getting our stuff out of storage. Last kiss: Quick one this morning, better one last night. Last good cry: Not recently enough. Last library book checked out: What's a library? Last one I bought was Prayer for America. Last movie seen: Bones, on DVD. (I feel like I'm wearing dirty underwear on the day I get hit by a car!) Last beverage drank: Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! Last food consumed: Jalapeño & Cheddar Bagel w/Cream Cheese. Last crush: My…

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