CBC Quickees: Big Two Roundup

I'm so far behind on reviews these days that in order to jumpstart my critical faculties, I've grabbed a stack of comics from my most-recently read pile and, focusing on some of the floppies I'm still reading from the Big Two, am giving random ones the super-quickee treatment.Criminal #1-2 (Icon/Marvel, $2.99), Captain America #3 (Marvel, $2.99), Daredevil #91 (Marvel, $2.99)Ed Brubaker has officially become one of my favorite comics writers, whether it's working within his own gritty world in Criminal, or making two of Marvel's best-known but least interesting characters immensely readable. The first two issues of Criminal feel like…

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The Prestige, Comics, Life, etc.

** No, I haven't seen Heroes yet, though not for lack of interest. Probably end up getting the Season One DVD and watching it when I retire, along with the many other movies and TV shows I've missed over the past couple of years. I did see The Prestige, though, and loved it. (Bought the novel, which I just started reading, mistakenly thinking it was by the Christopher Priest from comics.) Christopher Nolan is up there with M. Night Shyamalan and David Fincher as one of my favorite directors, and Christian Bale solidified his standing as my favorite Batman/Bruce Wayne.…

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Link: Moon Knight on TV??!!?

No, really!Marvel Pacts with No Equal for Moon KnightMarvel Studios, a division of Marvel Entertainment, Inc. and Vancouver based production company, No Equal Entertainment, have entered into an agreement to develop a live-action television series based on Marvel's cult favorite Moon Knight. The announcement was made today by David Maisel of Marvel Entertainment and Larry Sugar of No Equal Entertainment....Moon Knight's blend of action, the supernatural, and complex, intriguing characters will serve as the foundation for the live-action series."'Moon Knight' has all the elements for an engaging television series. No Equal Entertainment has a real passion for the project and…

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LINK: Comic Movie Tidbits

ITEM: Heath Ledger as the Joker? Hmm... not a terrible choice, but I don't know that he's got the required gravitas for the role. If that's the direction Nolan is going, though, I'd rather see Ryan Phillipe given a shot at it. Of course, my number one choice remains Terrence Howard.ITEM: The Incredible Hulk's new director is Louis Leterrier -- of the action-heavy The Transporter movies -- confirming the expected 180 degree shift from Ang Lee's somber take on the Green Goliath. Screenwriter Zak Penn seems to be on the right track, talking about how the sequel/remake/reboot will be different…

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Me, Me, Me Meme

1. What time did you get up this morning?7am 2. Diamonds or Pearls?Silver3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema?X3: The Last Stand4. What is your favorite TV show?Grey's Anatomy5. What did you have for breakfast this morning?Coffee6. What is your middle name?LeCharles7. What is your favorite cuisine?I like a wide range of food, but I got in trouble last time for not saying "Anything my wife cooks." ;-)8. What foods do you dislike?Weird textures, especially mushy stuff.9. Your favorite Potato chip?Pringles10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?The last mix CD I made.11. what kind…

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CBC Quickees: Public Enema and more…

It's been a long time between reviews, yes? Between the revamp here and PopCultureShock's server crapping out for almost a week, I skipped my Pull List Propaganda column this month and the pile is growing again. I'm saving the TPBs -- including Bluesman Vol. 1 & 2 and East Coast Rising -- for next month's column, but here's six quickees for your consideration.Thunderbolts #103 (Marvel, $2.99): The first Civil War tie-in I've read so far and it was actually better than the main event itself, which is really just a series of "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if...?" moments Mark…

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