Guy stuff.

Why keep blogging in 2025?

Blogs have been declared dead multiple times, mostly "replaced" by Twitter and then newsletters that are really just blogs with email and paywall functionally baked in. And yet, here I still am, blogging again consistently (but not too hard) for the past few years. And I'm not alone. But why? If you've known me for a while, you know a Cluetrain quote is coming!

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Happy 4th Anniversary to Me, LibraryPass, and Reading ALL the Comics

What had started as a fun side gig helping a friend out with strategy and messaging, slowly evolved into a mission that became personal on several levels; most importantly, an opportunity to be the change I wanted to see in the market.

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Understanding Libraries (I’m Speaking at Two Industry Conferences)

I'm looking forward to attending and speaking at two upcoming conferences later this year — one for indie authors, one for publishers — helping attendees understand the importance of libraries and educating them on how to treat them like partners rather than pirates!

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