By Alex Sheikman and Joel Chua (Archaia Studios Press, 2006; $19.95)
It’s rare for a mini-series whose first issue turned me off the way Robotika‘s did gets a second chance, but thanks to Alex Sheikman‘s commitment to his work — emailing me to clarify something from the first issue that I didn’t like get, and sending me the second issue that I would have otherwise passed on — it got one and I am pleased it did. I previously described it, somewhat snarkily, as “a sci-fi cyber-samurai yarn conceived by an artsy SoHo hipster,” and a “visually impressive if somewhat convoluted story that edges up to the border of pretentiousness while nudging you with a friendly elbow and raised eyebrow.”
In retrospect — with the benefit of both hindsight and a second, more thorough reading — I’d say that Robotika stands alongside Archaia Studios Press’ Artesia and Mouse Guard as some of the best work published in 2006, better than 99% of what’s on the shelves any given Wednesday.
“Robotika comes during a time when almost everything has such a staid formula to it. But it’s anything but formula.
What it is is totally damn brilliant.”
Those are Ted McKeever’s words of praise from the Hardcover edition’s Fore Word, and I quote them here because I think he nails what makes this a special piece of sequential art.