New Obsession: PoxNora
I never got into Magic: The Gathering, but I did play a lot of Pokemon and VS., so the appeal of collectible card games (aka, social gaming!) isn’t new to me, and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin is one of my all-time favorite games, so turn-based tactics is right up my alley, too. Combine them with an impressively deep setting, beautiful artwork, and a slick (if not totally intuitive) deck virtual management system, and you have a winner.
Fragmented Marketing: Making Owls Appealing
“From the Director of 300 and Watchmen” isn’t an ideal tagline for a PG-rated movie aimed at kids.
On Inception, The Passage, and Writing in The Obama Era
The weakness of “It’s all a dream” — why we hate that, why we feel cheated when narratively anything is revealed to be all a dream — is that you’ve just asked me to spend so much time and emotional capital investing in the stakes of this, and you’ve now swept it away with the
Killer iPad Apps: ComiXology
It’s been two weeks since Steve Jobs’ “magical and revolutionary” device officially went from fascinating Rorschach test to tangible consumer appliance, and while some of the hype around it being the savior of book, magazine and newspaper publishing has thankfully died down, there’s no debating that Apple’s App Store has had a significant impact
RIDDICK’s Big Screen Return | GeekTyrant
About 10 years ago a relatively unknown actor, by the name of Vin Diesel, starred in a scifi/horror movie about a group of stranded travelers on a planet where hungry giant bat like creatures come out to feed in the middle of the night. Four years later that same character comes back to fight a
Fight Club
via TYLER You were looking for a way to change your life. You could not do this on your own. All the ways you wished you could be…that’s me! I look like you wanna look, I fuck like you wanna fuck, I’m smart, capable and most importantly, I’m free in all the ways that
The Unbreakable Dark Knight Double Feature
I have the house all to myself for the next couple of days, and a rainy Sunday is the perfect time for a double-feature of the best “superhero” / “comic book” movies ever: Unbreakable and The Dark Knight. The former is highly underrated (and still holds up), the latter justifiably lauded; both are the best
Where the Wild Things Are – New [HD] Trailer
via If this is half as good as the trailer makes it seem like it could be, I’m going to love this movie. The music is absolutely perfect. Fingers crossed…
Kris Allen is the next American Idol
In a just world, at the end of a season that featured the most raw talent they’ve ever assembled, Kris Allen would be this season’s American Idol in a landslide and authenticity would be hailed as the new black. Period. And shut up. (Especially you, Kara DioGuardi!) Of course, we don’t live in a just
Christopher Nolan’s Joker Problem
No matter who wins the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor three weeks from now, Christopher Nolan has a serious dilemma in front of him as he decides where to go with his inevitable third installment in the juggernaut Batman franchise. To Joker, or Not To Joker? Even if he hadn’t received a single award nomination