Comment: Synergy, A Summer Blockbuster Staple
With less than a week to go, the full court press is on to promote Batman Begins. I stated in a previous post that my Dad asked me when it comes out. The marketing gurus of DC’s prized possession must be grinning ear-to-ear when they can get a 52-year old who was never into comics
Buzzscope Interview: Alias’ Miller In the Hot Seat
Miller owns up to mistakes, promises 30 years of comics Alias Enterprises burst onto the comics scene a few months back, hot on the heels of a trio of successful titles published under the Image banner: Lullaby, The Imaginaries, and Lions, Tigers and Bears. With multi-page advertising spreads in Previews, and an all-out internet PR-blitz
Buzzscope Preview: Skyscrapers of the Midwest #2
If you follow this site at all, you know that when I come across an indie comic I love, I pimp the hell out of it! 100 Girls, Fade From Grace, Western Tales of Terror and Elk’s Run have all received an extra helping of rave reviews from me for being superlative examples of great
Comment: 9 Days and Counting!
Batman Begins opens June 15th, and the reviews are starting to come in. This weekend at Wizard World Philly’s DC panel, lucky attendees were selected for an advance screening. Regular folks like you and me will have to wait a little longer to see DC’s crown jewel in all its celluloid glory. I’m eager to
Buzzscope Reviews: 5/25/05
Gotham Central: Half A Life TPBIf you’re reading more than five comic books a month and Gotham Central isn’t one of them, you’re wrong. Captain America #6Unlike Winnick’s similar Jason Todd-driven storyline currently unfolding over in Batman, Brubaker’s take on things doesn’t feel lazy and contrived, and isn’t reliant on any familiarity with Cap’s history
Weak in you, the Force is…
Revenge of the Sith is apparently secretly subtitled: “The movie mofos will come see no matter what I do, so I’m just going to geek out on the CGI and not worry too much about the story.” Ugh, it was bad! Like Mystery Science Theater bad, just with better special effects. I usually like to
Try Something Different: 5/24/05
Support Independent Comics! Independent comics (and manga) being released tomorrow, 5/24/05, courtesy of ComicList. Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. Recommendations, sometimes blind, in BOLD. Which ones are YOU reading? AAA POP COMICS Golden Plates #2
Review: Batman Begins’ Smallville Preview
WOW should begin and end every sentence when speaking about Batman Begins. Last night, America was treated to a 10-minute preview of the future blockbuster, courtesy of the WB Network. At the end of the preview my first thought was, “WOW!” My second thought was, “Hopefully I won’t die before June 15th.” It sounds ridiculous,
Longest. Week. Ever.
There’s a request of my NY-area readers at the end of this, but first, the preamble. “Life, she is a roller coaster; for every thrilling dip, there is an uphill slog.” I just made that sagacious little quote up, because it pretty much sums up last week. Long story short, we’ve squashed the Bloomfield house
CBC INFO: Ch-ch-ch-changes…
Just a little heads-up on some changes afoot here at CBC. Most significant, in terms of content, is that I will no longer be posting current reviews, including ménage à trois, or interviews here. The Editor is a megalomaniacal control freak who insists on… Oh, wait, wrong site! I’m the Editor here! Seriously, though, last