Reviews of books, comics, movies, and other random stuff.
The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry… but Batman always has a back-up plan!My latest Establishing Shots is up, wherein I pull a Quesada, explaining what happened to the big January 2, 2006 surprise. I also announce three of our newest columnists, one of whom hasn't been announced anywhere else yet.Meanwhile, Ronée Garcia Bourgeois is out to ruffle feathers, again, with her latest What A Girl Wants: "Ten Ways To Get the Bitches to Read Your Comics."Yeah, 2006 is off to a great start!Be sure to check out the tweaked Comics section, too, which now makes…
Thanks to the holidays and, partly, the NYC transit strike, it's a light week for the weekly review roundup over at Buzzscope. Nevertheless, I managed to cover a few myself, including ELK’S RUN #4, IRON MAN: THE INEVITABLE #1 and, very briefly, INFINITE CRISIS #3. Check 'em out.Also, check out Ronée's latest column, "Well Grab My Tit and Call Me Liar!", about allegations of sexual harassment/assault that, if true, could rock one of the industry's most important organizations and, sadly, have ripple effects that would greatly endanger their mission in the the least. The talkbacks are already getting a…
Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!There's a transit strike going on here in NYC, so who knows when I'll be able to pick up my books this week! Nevertheless, here's my weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 12/21/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]ACTOR Actor DFE Hunter Killer Foil Cvr, $14.99 Actor Top Cow Top 5 Starter Set,…
Chuck Saterlee pulls the curtain back a bit further over on the Bendis Board thread that started it all. I'm quoting it in its entirety as I wouldn't be surprised if he was asked/made to delete it at some point, as it airs what could charitably be called dirty laundry.My name is Chuck Satterlee and I have/had two books with Speakeasy. The titles are SMOKE & MIRROR and OF BITTER SOULS.My association with Speakeasy has been decent on a personal level and disastrous on a professional level.To start, I have never had a personal problem with Fortier or anyone else,…
This week, I go the capsule/quickee route on AMELIA RULES! #16, DMZ #2, SON OF M #1 and X-FACTOR #1, while others take on MARVEL KNIGHTS SPIDER-MAN #21, THE FURTHER ADVENTURES OF ONE PAGE FILLER MAN and more. Check it out.Also, be sure to check out Ronée's interview with Chris Moreno, up-and-coming artist of Dracula vs. King Arthur and, one of my favorites, Monkey In A Wagon Vs. Lemur On A Big Wheel.Finally, keep in mind that we're adding comics content almost every day, so be sure to hit the Comics section when you visit, not just the main page,…
Here's what I'm currently buying on a regular basis, and, in some cases, why. (Part I of this roundup is here, and here's where things stood back in June.) "+" / "-" / "*" equal the change, if any, in my opinion since then.Johnny Raygun QuarterlyTeen Titans with a Green Lantern Corps sping, as done by guys actually having fun with the concept. They have a big Savage Dragon crossover coming up, which doesn't excite me in the least, but will hopefully raise its profile a bit.Jonah HexI apparently am a closet Western fan. Two issues in, though, and I'm…
This week, I go the capsule/quickee route on GOTHAM CENTRAL #38, NYC MECH: BETA LOVE #4 and VAISTRON #2 (with a shout-out to NAT TURNER #2), plus others take on MARVEL ZOMBIES #1, OPTIC NERVE #10 and more. Check it out.Also, be sure to check out our GEEK GIFTS 2005 feature, where we spotlight some of "the best holiday treats for you, or the geek you love." It's not just comics.Finally, keep in mind that we're adding comics content almost every day, so be sure to hit the Comics section when you visit, not just the main page, so you…