Reviews of books, comics, movies, and other random stuff.

Buzzscope Reviews: 8/3/05

Wherein I talk about Women in Refrigerators, give away FREE comics, and use the phrase "balls-to-the-wall!"El Arsenal: Unknown Enemy #1 (of 3)El Arsenal has the kinetic energy and bombast of Robert Rodriguez’ earliest films, and as introductory issues go, it wisely opts for a few hard jabs straight to the eye instead of the drawn-out, rope-a-dope approach that plagues most mainstream comics these days.Son of Vulcan #3 (of 6)Screw Jason Todd, and Hal Jordan, and Bucky Barnes, et al. Make mine Mikey!Karma Incorporated #1 (of 3)Imagine David Fincher’s The Game played for laughs, and you wouldn’t be too far off…

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Fun With Reviews

I posted my aforementioned review of Combat Zone: True Tales of GI’s in Iraq, Vol. 1 TP to yesterday, as I do with anything I review that they happen to sell, and have already received two emails about it from people not thrilled with what I wrote. (Mind you, in the 2+ plus years of reviewing stuff there, I’ve only ever received one email in response!) The first was from someone in the 82nd Airborne assuring me that Zinsmeister’s stories were true, if combined, and was polite and straightforward in the process. The second one, not so much on the polite:

I am really pissed at your biased opinion of this Comic novel. Did you bother to research to see if the stories that were in the novel are in fact true to what took place?, were you there? I doubt it! So, why would you say “supposedly depicting real life accounts” And to compare it to the “Jessica Lynch” situation, come on!!

Karl Zinsmeisters Book “Boots on the Ground,” had you taken the time to read, is a true and accruate report on the 82nds time in Iraq during the first part of the war. The comic novel is taken some of the stories from that book and brought it pictorally(all be it cartoon like) to life for me. I say that because my son is a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne and was there when Karl was embedded with them. From day one of Operation Iraqi Freedom for a year and then back again for last years elections, the stories that my son has told are the same stories that are in both the book and comic novel.

There is no way it could have been made up. “A disservice to the men”? how many did you ask before making that assumption? My son appreciates the work that Karl put into this, to tell the story as it was, not how the media wants us to see it.

The next time you write a review of something of this nature you should do your homework before making yourself look stupid and ignorant. Or maybe just stick to reading your imaginary character comic books, and leave the more mature ones to some one with better knowledge of what he is talking about.

A proud father of a Soldier
serving with the elite 82nd Airborne.


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Comic Book Stuff

With CBC on hiatus for a bit while I come up with a plan for what to do with it, I'll be pimping my Buzzscope writing here for the time being.Weekly ReviewsCombat Zone: True Tales of GI's in Iraq, Vol. 1 TPWhatever side of the ideological fence you may be on, there is some great story-telling potential in the concept, True Tales of GIs in Iraq. Unfortunately, whatever Zinsmeister's talents may be as a journalist, they do not translate into compelling sequential art.Silent Dragon #1 (of 6)Andy Diggle offers up a veritable buffet of a story that demands you return…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 7/20/05

A week off for vacation and the to-read pile is ridiculously high! Oddly enough, for all the comics I bought this week, there weren't too many that inspired a review, positive or negative. Two I did like but didn't get a chance to review were Defenders #1 and Grounded #1. The former was as fun and silly as expected, while the latter was a pleasant surprise that caught me unawares. Check it out here.The Atheist #2A taut, black-and-white thriller with a tinge of horror...The Atheist is also the kind of comic book that rewards the discerning reader, one who demands…

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Preview: Indie October Solicitations

Comics Continuum has the Image, Dark Horse and Devil's Due October Solicitations up, and here's what I'm particularly looking forward to reading and/or snarking:SEASON OF THE WITCH #1Written by Jai Nitz, art and cover by Kevin Sharpe."Spring." Jessica Suddreth was a normal high school freshman until she was magically transported to the fairytale world of Asamondo. Once there she trains to be a Spell Sword, a mystical warrior, to lead the peasants against the tyrannical King Elian. The good news is she's the best Spell Sword ever. The bad news is she still has all the emotions and insecurities of…

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Comment: The Comics Blogiverse

The myriad comic book-related blogs that have sprung up over the past couple of years run the gamut from unpretentious reviews and commentary by enthusiastic fans to jaded bile and snark by agenda-driven wannabes looking to break into the industry. The Comic Weblog Linkatron 5000 links to them all without prejudice so I thought I'd offer up quick takes on some of my favorites, all linked (and newly updated) in the left-hand column under Comic Blogs.The BeatHeidi MacDonald is the real deal, an industry veteran covering the news of the day with an occasional dose of intelligent snark. Only downside…

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Batman Begins vs. Fantastic Four: Different Paths to Success

The friendly rivalry between Marvel and DC knows no boundaries. What started decades ago in print has now spilled over onto celluloid. About a month apart in their release dates, the iconic figures of Batman in DC's Batman Begins, and Marvel's Fantastic Four battle it out for comic book supremacy on film. Two different paths, two different beginnings, but ultimately, both will win.Batman Begins got off on the right foot from the start by signing its director, Chris Nolan. The film was the beneficiary of a lot of buzz before its release, followed by positive reviews from critics and fanboys…

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