Category: Reviews

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Garden Photography, Writing and Planthropology

I went to the Frelinghuysen Arboretum a few weeks ago to check out Ken Druse give a presentation of his amazing new book, Planthropology: The Myths, Mysteries, and Miracles of My Garden Favorites, and took my wife’s fancy new camera with me to take pictures. After the presentation, I wandered the snow-covered grounds of the Arboretum and

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Random Reviews: Inkheart, Wanted, Chalk

We’ve been having a lot of Blockbuster nights since we bought the house last summer, while managing to catch whatever kid-friendly movies worth seeing in theaters whenever possible, and I’ve been reviewing a lot of them on Flixster but wanted to round up the most recent batch and post them here, including expanded commentary on

It's A Wonderful Life

How Wonderful Is It?

Back in 1996, when I was publishing my short-lived zine, zuzu’s petals — which, in a wonderful bit of circularity, played a significant role in my getting married! — I wrote a pretty cynical essay about why I loved It’s A Wonderful Life, not so much for its purportedly uplifting message, but rather for its “unintentionally subversive message”.

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Review: TRIBES by Seth Godin

Just do it. Or, as Gandhi put it, “Be the change you wish to see in the world.” That, in a nutshell, is the primary message of Tribes: We Need You to Lead Us, Seth Godin’s masterful mini-manifesto on what it takes to be a leader and why YOU should be the one to take

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Review: The Incredible Hulk

I skipped The Incredible Hulk in theaters because I was fully expecting to be disappointed, but my son really wanted to see it and Iron Man was unexpectedly good, so we picked up the DVD and I was pleasantly surprised. Ed Norton isn’t as dynamic an actor as Robert Downey, Jr., unlikely to carry a

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Breaking Ground

There are 8 million stories in the naked city, plus another 2-3 million, give or take, if you count the transplants who still commute in for work from the surrounding cities and towns in Long Island, Connecticut and, yes, New Jersey. From Bloomberg to Bloomfield is my story, a native New Yorker on his third

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Go see Liberty City

I went to see Liberty City last night, April Yvette Thompson’s multi-layered, one-person account of her upbringing in the infamous Miami neighborhood during the chaotic 70s, told against a backdrop of the rise and fall of the Black Power movement, the Crack epidemic and the Liberty City Riots that led to Miami being declared a disaster area, literally and figuratively. Co-written

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Monday Mash-up, 2/4/08

1) While a couple of good things happened in January (most notably an unexpected promotion at work to Online Ad Sales Director for all of our properties!), overall it was as bad a start to 2008 as I could have imagined. Nothing major, but a lot of bumps in the road that tested my constitution

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Review Roundup: 1/08

Last year I was invited to join Amazon Vine, the online behemoth’s slick new marketing program that enables publishers (and other companies) to provide free review copies of their books (and other products) for a group of Amazon-selected reviewers, pretty much ensuring a lot of independent user reviews for the participating products. The program lets

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

On Comics, Pokémon and Storm Hawks

Other than the occasional review at Amazon — or even less frequently, at PopCultureShock — it’s been a while since I’ve written about comics. After 2.5 years of being ankle-deep in the industry, writing reviews, interviews, commentary and the occasional news piece, I really don’t miss it at all. While I’m still reading comics, my weekly trips to Midtown Comics

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