Upcoming Gigs: Panel, Workshop, Evolution

I don't do many events these days beyond the random open mic appearance at louderARTS or Urbana, so I'm very excited about these two gigs this week, the NY Round Table Writers' Conference and Acentos Poetry Workshop, as well as the Conversational Marketing Summit I'll be attending in June. NY Round Table Writers' Conference Friday, … Continue reading Upcoming Gigs: Panel, Workshop, Evolution

Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 13

Prompt: Write a poem that incorporates a hobby (either yours or someone else's). THIRTEEN LINES "Hobby" is a loaded word, literally defined as a distraction from necessary evils, a pleasurable pursuit stopped short of sin, but Monday nights were no more hobby than a Christian's Sunday morning service, the open mic a confessional, poets, a full-throated … Continue reading Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 13

Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 7

Prompt: "Two for Tuesday": Write a "clean" poem or write a "dirty" poem. URBAN PLAYGROUND On my block trees were few and far between, caged for their own good, roots straining against concrete manacles for freedom. Dirt was plentiful, manmade -- soda cans, candy wrappers, cigarette butts, lottery tickets -- nothing that could nurture a … Continue reading Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 7

Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 5

Prompt: Write a poem about a landmark. It can be a famous landmark (like Mount Rushmore or the Sphinx) or a little more subdued (like the town water tower or an interesting sign). SIGNPOSTS On the northside: grass clippings, popsicle sticks, Sunday newspaper circulars. On the southside: crushed soda cans, crumpled lottery tickets, church service … Continue reading Poem-A-Day Challenge: Day 5