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America is stupid. At least the ones that watch American Idol and take the time to vote. I mean, really, what the fuck was THAT last night?!?! Ruben in the bottom two? Trenyce booted while Camouflage Doughboy lives on? That fake jarhead couldn’t even hold his head up while Ruben stood out there waiting for the results, knowing it should have been him instead. Bad enough he didn’t get a chance to step on a landmine somewhere in the middle of the deserts of Iraq, doing the job he volunteered for, but to sit up there watching two people with actual talent wait for the boot was too much even for him. To Ruben’s credit, he’s never seemed to take any of this for granted and represented himself well, especially after Trenyce was announced as this week’s victim. No jumping for joy at her expense, he took a moment to give her a hug and stepped back, giving her the spotlight.

Tonight’s the Finals at Urbana with one of the most random lineups I’d have ever guessed. Without much logic or explanation, my prediction is Celena Glenn, George McKibbens, PostMidnight and either Shawn Randall or Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz.

What’s happening to the Mets? For this they fired Bobby Valentine? Somebody needs to issue an apology. No offense to Art Howe but Bobby got scapegoated for a bunch of overpaid slackers. Fire Steve Phillips now, sit the big paychecks on the bench and start from scratch.

Pokemon update: 21 hours, 10 minutes into the game and I have 5 badges. My Pokemon are LeCharles (Grovyle), Sparky (Minun), Haley (Solrock), Slick (Tentacool), Salome (Torkoal) and Gully (Wingull) and they’ll kick your Pokemon’s asses! If only running a slam were like Pokemon…

Got a random gift certificate from (I know, boo-hiss, but I’m switching over to very soon) and ordered a new copy of Fool on the Hill and Prince’s Batman CD. Matt Ruff (Fool’s author) has a new book out, Set This House in Order: A Romance of Souls, but it’s only in hardcover. I can’t do hardcovers. Too bulky, too expensive. I want to reread Fool again – for the sixth time! – because it’s always had a rejuvenating effect on my writing. My literary security blanket. 🙂

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Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Sometimes loud, formerly poet, always opinionated. As in guillotine... Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is currently the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass. He's also previously been publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest; project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.

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