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Someone at Quizilla is a sick bastard!

What Would Your Serial Killer Name Be?

What Would the Public Know You As?


No one would really know your name. You would be

called by what you do. For example, if you burn your

victims to death all the time, you would be known as

The Arsonist; or, if you knife them, you would be known

as The Slasher. You would be the mysterious killer who

strikes at sporadic times, and would be very difficult to


You might dress up and mask yourself when you perform

your horrible killings. Your identity would really be a

mystery. Obviously you would be wanted all over the

place, and authorities would desperately try to capture

you. Even if you were caught, you would not say much.

The public would greatly fear you because you could

just strike unexpectedly.

brought to you by Quizilla

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Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Sometimes loud, formerly poet, always opinionated. As in guillotine... Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is currently the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass. He's also previously been publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest; project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.

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