On the Shelves: 9/8/05
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The column formerly known as “Try Something Different” has become something different. Instead of listing every single comic book shipping each week, the newly rechristened “On the Shelves” will instead take a look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 9/8/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.
[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one, or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com]
Following Cerebus #5, $3.95
Can someone explain the appeal of this series to me? The original, I mean. In 50 words or less?
Elsinore #3 (Of 9), $2.99
Lullaby Wisdom Seeker Vol 1 TPB, $9.99
XIII #2, $2.99
Finally with Elsinore! Seems like Ken Lillie-Paetz is the only Alias contributor really doing it for me, what with this creepy little book and Monkey vs. Lemur. Talk about having range! Lullaby totally lost me by its last issue, though I suspect it might read better in trade form. XIII #1 is still sitting near the bottom of my to-read pile. Below Rocketo #1.
Vaistron #1, $2.95
Andrew Dabb‘s creator-owned project, of which I’ve had a preview of the first two issues sitting in my inbox for weeks now and haven’t had a chance to read yet. Who says the internet will replace print one day? I’ll be picking up the real deal, though, since, Atomika aside, he hasn’t let me down yet and I’m curious to see what he does in his own sandbox.
Apcomics Comic Expo Ltd Ed Pack, $20.00
Lexian Chronicles Full Circle Red Foil Cvr #1, $9.95
Lexian Chronicles Full Circle Sgn #1, $19.95
Hunh?!? Not sure what’s going on with APC, but these are some odd offerings for a publisher in such apparent turmoil.
Sonic Super Special #4 Return Of The King (AA), $2.25
I must admit that I’m curious…
Garth Ennis 303 #5 (Of 6), $3.99
I still have the first two issues of this in my to-read pile, on Greg‘s recommendation.
Cavewoman Reloaded #1, $3.95
Random title of the week!
Ex Machina Vol 2 Tag TPB, $12.99
Gotham Central #35, $2.50
Son Of Vulcan #4 (Of 6), $2.99
Everyone’s reading Ex Machina, right? It’s a Buzzworthy 2005 pick, you know. Gotham Central, of course, is one of the best comics DC’s currently publishing. Certainly the best of a woeful roster of Batman titles. And my pet cause, Son of Vulcan: new character, fun story, no connection to Infinite Crisis.
Bone Rest 2nd Prtg #1, $2.99
Coyote Vol 1 TPB, $14.99
Fell #1, $1.99
Grounded 2nd Prtg #1 (Of 6), $2.95
PvP #18, $2.99
From what I’ve seen online, I wasn’t the only one who didn’t get Bone Rest #1. Nice art, though. I have the full run of Coyote in floppy form, but couldn’t get through the first issue when I tried a couple of months ago. Fell looks interesting, and Ellis is due to connect with me again after Desolation Jones left me flat. Grounded has a lot of potential, but it’s got one more issue to fulfill it before I cut it. #1 is a great issue, though. The PvP #0 issue did nothing for me.
Bakers #1, $3.00
After Nat Turner #1, I’ll give anything Baker does a look.
Arana Heart Of The Spider #8, $2.50
House Of M #6 (Of 8), $2.99
Ororo Before The Storm #4 (Of 4), $2.99
Why am I still buying Araña? Same reason I’m still buying House of M, I guess. I want to believe! Sumerak’s Ororo mini has been a fun read.
Dracula Vs King Arthur #2 (Of 4), $2.95
The first issue was interesting enough, but it’ll be a gut call when I see it on the shelf.
Adventures Of Bio Boy #1, $2.99
Maybe. Maybe not. Speakeasy’s been hit and miss for me, but even the misses have had a certain appeal. Unlike, say, most of Alias’ misses!
Karma Incorporated #2 (Of 3), $2.95
A fun first issue landed this one on my pull list. Viper has a great visual style that carries through all of their titles without losing their individual identities.
Shonen Jump Oct 05 #34, $4.99
I think it’s time I picked one of these up to see what all the fuss is about.
Inquest Gamer Dungeons & Dragons Cvr #126, $4.99
Will. Not. Give. In. To. D&D. Hook.
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Written by Guy LeCharles Gonzalez
Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass, and former publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest. Previously, he was also project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.
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