Rebuilding my platform, perhaps…?

NOTE: I re-posted this to test out the x-posting to LiveJournal feature. For those who want to comment without setting up a Vox account, now you can! a little bit louder I hit 13 on Monday night, a last -minute call as I was working late, catching up on post-BEA stuff, and decided it would be a good time to test out my latest poem, Truth is an Olympic Gymnast. I wrote the first draft a couple of weeks ago when I went to Botanica to clear my head, and had just given it a pretty thorough edit during lunch earlier that…

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Truth is an Olympic Gymnast

Truth is an Olympic Gymnast"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."LeninI believe in truthraw, unvarnishedhurt your feelings, if necessaryTRUTH.The more I have to losethe more truthfulI tend to be.I'm self-destructive that way.So, sometimes…I lie.Little white liesLies of omissionOutright whoppers intended toburn the house down.I'm whimsical that way.I believe in telling the truth to your friendsand lying to your enemiesas long as you're surewho's who.Until then,lie to everybody.Flagrantly, extravagantly, them poemsand they will love you for it.I believe in truth, liesand avoiding the videotapewhich never liesunless it's been edited.I believe the moon landing was stagedand aliens have been running the…

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On Jodi Picoult, Writing, and Platforms

The two morning sessions I attended were about breaking into magazines and an overview of sales & marketing in the book industry, the former of which was more of a refresher course while the latter filled in a lot of the gaps where things are different in periodical publishing, which is where my background is. One common thread popped up in both sessions that I thought was really interesting, though: platforms.

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Bar Scrawl: Return to Botanica

Marble Cover Notebook I hit Botanica last night -- one of my all-time-favorite dives, and the bar where I did most of my writing and drinking back in '97 and '98 -- with a head full of vague ideas that I needed to let loose onto the pages of my marble cover notebook. I've gotten so used to writing on the computer over the years I'd forgotten how liberating it can be to do a little old-fashioned pen-and-paper, stream of conciousness writing, especially sitting in a bar, beer close at hand, and potential stories all around you. Last time out was an unexpected fluke, but this…

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Mets, Tee Ball and Autism Updates

Jordin Sparks ** It's becoming clear to me that no matter how much I enjoy going to Shea Stadium to watch the Mets, I am apparently bad luck for them as they've lost the majority of times I've been in the stands. Sunday's Subway Series finale was particularly painful to watch, not just for the loss, but because I was literally surrounded by Yankees fans. Most of them weren't terribly obnoxious -- if anything, Mets fans were worse, especially with the unnecessarily crude "Yankees suck!" chant. It's long past time to get over the inferiority complex and act like we believe we belong on…

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