COMMENT: Civil War, Indies and Marketing 101

The interesting discussion over on The Engine about the potential opportunity Marvel's Civil War flub has opened up for indies misses a key point: your average Civil War reader doesn't care about non-Marvel titles, and condescendingly referring to those titles as "spandex super fights" or "Muscular Mutant Man Monthly" suggests they're not your audience anyway, no matter what's on the shelves that week.That point aside, though, there's some good information in there, not the least of which is that few comics creators know how to approach marketing, and even the bigger names feel a bit hamstrung by an industry that…

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On the Shelves: 8/16/06

Reading is fundamental. Reading comics is supposed to be FUN, so don't waste your time reading bad ones! Tomorrow is my 37th birthday and I'm particularly feeling it in my knees as the softball season is starting to take its toll! Plus, I'm definitely going to have to get my shoulder checked during the off-season as I'm pretty sure I tore something. Nevertheless, my mutant power has always been denial, so I'll push through it. One thing I can't deny is that my passion for comics has been dialed down several notches recently as I again skipped my weekly visit…

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Why I’m Taking a Break: Exhibit B

Andrew Foley, who's always been refreshingly honest about how the collapse of Speakeasy Comics a while back has affected him, reveals the latest plot twist in that sordid little saga: Apparently, Diamond is still distributing copies of PARTING WAYS--they just aren't going to give any money to me or Scott Mooney. It turns out Adam Fortier still owes Diamond a substantial sum, and at some point, Diamond decided they were going to keep Speakeasy stock and continue to sell it to make up for their loss. Which means: if you got let off the hook and given your property back…

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