HYPE: Glyphs Anniversary

I don't usually pay much attention to blog anniversarys -- hell, I missed acknowledging our own by a few days last year -- but there's a handful of truly essential blogs out there that I think are deserving of kudos. Without a doubt, one of them is Rich Watson's Glyphs: The Language of the Black Comics Community. While the majority of us out here in the comics blogiverse are merely shooting off at the mouthkeyboard, Rich is providing what I believe is an important service to the comics community.Go wish him a happy one year anniversary.PS: Someone needs to design…

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INFO: 2006 Harvey Award Nominees

Interesting choices in what is essentially the comics version of the Oscars, "the only industry awards both nominated by and selected by the full body of comic book professionals."And the nominees for the 2006 Harvey Awards are... BEST WRITERBrian Michael Bendis | NEW AVENGERS | Marvel Comics Ed Brubaker | CAPTAIN AMERICA | Marvel Comics Joshua Hale Fialkov | ELK'S RUN | Hoarse and Buggy Productions/Speakeasy Comics Mike Mignola | BPRD | Dark Horse Comics Alex Robinson | TRICKED | Top Shelf An interestingly mixed bag here, including my personal favorite, Joshua Hale Fialkov for his work on the excellent…

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On the Shelves: 6/1/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month. My weekly look at select comic books being released Thursday, 6/1/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com] PICK OF THE WEEK Skyscrapers of the Midwest #3ADHOUSE BOOKS Skyscrapers Of The Midwest #3, $5.00 If you only buy one non-superhero comic book this week/month/year, let it be Skyscrapers Of The Midwest #3. Seriously. In the…

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COMMENT: NYT on Minorities in Comics

[Edited for clarity on 5/30/06] Funny that this article in the NY Times has been referenced by others for its apparent spoiler re: Batwoman (she's not Renee Montoya, which is all I care about) instead of its main point, the increasing diversity at the Big Two. Funny strange, not funny ha-ha, of course. Straight (and Not) Out of the Comics By GEORGE GENE GUSTINES But this year will be a banner one for diversity in the $500 million comic book business. At DC Comics, an effort is under way to introduce heroes who are not cut from the usual straight…

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HYPE: Postcards

Because there's only 24 hours in a day and too many of them are taken up with things I HAVE to do as opposed to WANT to do, I haven't been able to stay in the loop with Jason Rodriguez' very cool anthology project, POSTCARDS.How cool is it? Hit the link and check out the production blog to find out.

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The problem with blogging so infrequently is that things pile up to the point where there's just too much to cover and I end up not covering anything. Bleh.Long story short, things change, all the time, and sometimes there's the sense that there's a reason for it, a master plan, and other times, it seems random as a three-legged dog ordering a drink at your favorite bar.The "Dream Apartment" in Inwood fell through last month as our credit, which isn't great but is good enough to get a mortgage at a decent rate, wasn't good enough to get into the…

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COMMENT: 52 Putdown

I'm done.Week Three did nothing for me, and the numerous continuity issues already popping up in and around a series that is all about continuity is just way too distracting. Especially at $2.50 a pop. One of the bigger problems for me is the use of the weekly/daily timeline that doesn't feel the least bit organic, with scenes seemingly being spread out and arbitrarily labeled Day Two, Day Three, etc.Side note: Did anyone else think Detective Jiang in the opening scene this week looked like a slightly tweaked Crispus Allen? AKA, the recently deceased partner of Renee Montoya (who was…

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