INFO: PopCultureShock RSS Feeds

Thanks to Zilla (who's on a roll!) for pointing out, a cool online utility that enables you to create RSS feeds for sites that don't have them! Like, say, PopCultureShock!It took about 10 minutes to set up the first one, as I'm completely unfamiliar with the coding involved, but liberal use of their [?] feature got me through it.And now, for your convenience and reading pleasure:PopCultureShock -- :: Comics --, of course, don't forget little ol' us:

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On the Shelves: 5/24/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month. My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 5/24/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or] PICK OF THE WEEK Scott Pilgrim & the Infinite Sadness (Vol. 3)ASPEN MLT INC Shrugged #0, $2.50 A: Shrugged; Q: What I did after reading the Fathom TPB? (Bought on deep discount last year via Mile High…

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LINK: Free Robot Porn!

[NOTE: Sicko Googlers, move on. It's not what you think!]No, not the political prisoner du jour, but genuine robot porn! FREE!Actually, there's a lot more human-on-human violence and explosions of all kinds than there is robot porn, but if that's your thing, you'll probably enjoy Vaistron, too. It's like everything wrong with America condensed into a heartwarming tale of kidnapping, corruption and headless cult members!Boussourir and Andrew Dabb are sick, sick men, and Vaistron is one sick book, but oddly enough, it’s appealingly sick. It helps to have a strong lead character like Gabby, the mercenary daughter who, as a…

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COMMENT: Organizing Comics

Judging by the presence of all seven issues of Jonah Hex spread throughout, among others, it had been at least seven months since I'd filed away any comics, and the stack (as seen here) was growing out control, threatening to topple over onto our bed at any moment. The stack at the back on the left was everything I'd already read, mostly floppies, with a handful of thinner TPBs in the mix. To its right and direct front were TPBs of various dimensions, some read, some not. Finally, the stack closest to me was yet another mix of unread comics,…

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Vs. CARD OF THE WEEK: Black Adam <> Teth Adam (DCR-123)

Black Adam <> Teth Adam (DCR-123) I absolutely L-O-V-E the Infinite Crisis expansion for Vs. Seriously. The new teams are all cool, each with challenging mechanics and a variety of appealing cards spread throughout the curve. Also, while I'm not really the best judge of such things, I'd say the primary teams -- JSA, Villains United, Checkmate and Shadowpact -- are all strong enough to go up against any of the previous teams introduced, Marvel or DC, including those frustrating, team attacking Avengers Dan was killing me with for a while. Our last session, featuring fledgling decks built from our…

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