You’re a Dialogue/Character Writer! What kind of writer are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Fun with Merriam-Webster. con-tra-vene : The feeling that life is moving too slow and your kids are growing up too fast. sur-re-al-is-tic: Your mother telling your wife about finding the lingerie catalogs you used to hoard as a teenager, believing it’s true but not really remembering it happening. stul-ti-fy: Between louderARTS and Urbana’s combined 17
Politics of Video Games
Trust Omar to find the good stuff. Bloglines is the shiznit! Not only can I monitor the blogs I read regularly from one place – a la LiveJournal’s Friends list, without the creepy “Friend me” angle – but it lets me monitor other blog-like sites I check regularly, including Wizards’ D&D pages, Craigslist-ings, and
Diane Keaton auditioning for the part of the Joker?
Hip-hop. Or, more specifically, rap music. Like your ex-con cousin on the verge of his third strike, I have a love-hate relationship with it. He will always be family, and every now and then I like to spend time with him, but for the most part, I’m over it. Was reading a preview the other
Last night at Acentos was like an uninterrupted 24-hour stint in the recharger and I’m feeling good about poetry again and hopeful about the scene in general. I’ve always said being nervous before a performance is a good sign that you still care about what you’re doing. Jessica, Nina and Maria obviously care about poetry,
From August 25, 2003: Speaking of next year, I’m making a To Do list for the run-up to 35. I’ve got 356 more days to get it all done: 1. Write 3 short stories/novellas; publish one; 2. Write & publish 2 articles, one non-poetry-related; 3. Produce 3 performance events; 4. Go back to school; 5.
Wole Soyinka has this quote, “The tiger does not sing his tigritude.” But, I think that if the tiger entered a world of leopards, he probably would. — Mara Jebsen Apropos of nothing, I just love how Mara’s mind works and her writing is second-to-none. This weekend was…tiring and counterproductive. Short, aimless getaways just don’t
Pumpkin Seeds: Weekend in Providence Edition
1. TGIF! Finally. Heading up to Providence, RI tomorrow for a long weekend of nothing more than relaxing. Saturday dinner with the MacMillan trio of Worcester will be fun. Might hit Roger Williams Park on Sunday. Definitely the crepe place off Thayer we found a couple of years ago. If it’s even still there. Possibly
Kerry Adrift By Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post …But his tortuous path to his current position has left him politically bereft on Iraq. Ralph Nader has now made himself the antiwar candidate by calling for a pullout in six months. With that, his candidacy found a rationale beyond mere vanity, and may indeed draw some serious