Author: Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Wole Soyinka has this quote, “The tiger does not sing his tigritude.” But, I think that if the tiger entered a world of leopards, he probably would. — Mara Jebsen Apropos of nothing, I just love how Mara’s mind works and her writing is second-to-none. This weekend was…tiring and counterproductive. Short, aimless getaways just don’t

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Pumpkin Seeds: Weekend in Providence Edition

1. TGIF! Finally. Heading up to Providence, RI tomorrow for a long weekend of nothing more than relaxing. Saturday dinner with the MacMillan trio of Worcester will be fun. Might hit Roger Williams Park on Sunday. Definitely the crepe place off Thayer we found a couple of years ago. If it’s even still there. Possibly

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Kerry Adrift By Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post …But his tortuous path to his current position has left him politically bereft on Iraq. Ralph Nader has now made himself the antiwar candidate by calling for a pullout in six months. With that, his candidacy found a rationale beyond mere vanity, and may indeed draw some serious

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.
Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Need more evidence that George W. Bush has a pretty good shot at being [re-]elected? Last night’s American Idol bottom three. Stupid people vote more than intelligent ones. Today’s horoscope: Sometimes you don’t realize how much you have touched people’s lives, Guy. Just the little things that you do, like smiling, or telling someone a

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Reality Bites

A public apology to Helen Yum for not getting downtown to wish her farewell last night. 🙁 I tried, really I did, but between Sunday’s trip to the zoo and all the walking I did yesterday, by the time we’d gotten the kids ready for bed and I picked up the laundry, I was exhausted.

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

In triplicate

In Triplicate (inspired by revolutionaryscum and javabill) Three things I am wearing right now 1) my grandfather’s ring 2) a pocket watch 3) pair of silver hoop earrings Three things on my desk 1) several pictures of my family 2) “I’m not bossy, I just have better ideas” sign 3) paperwork for eight in-progress projects

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Donald Trump fires George W. Bush. I love it!!!! Dial-up and low-bandwidth users, click here.

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

This entry is for poetry slam geeks only.

This whole 5×3 idea that Taylor came up with for the National Poetry Slam – 5 teams, 3 POEMS per bout as opposed to 3×4, or the more recent 4×4 – isn’t necessarily the death of Nationals as some have lamented. It is, however, a flawed band-aid that emphasizes the competition in a way that

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

I love The Onion. After watching Bush’s speech tonight, it’s clear what his re-election gameplan is: you like him or you don’t. Plain and simple. He’s going to let Kerry do the dancing for the swing vote and cross his fingers hoping JFK hangs himself with a misstep or two. Much as I hate the

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