Last night, at the slam…

Who Wrote This? Last night was a lot of fun. Purposeful emphasis there, as the stage was set for everything to go awry and derail my fledgling return to writing and publicly reading poetry as the show was unexpectedly moved to the upstairs lounge because of construction on the main floor and I've never liked that space.  Bad feng shiu and all that. But all was good as I signed up for the open slam -- 17 Love Poems with No Despair SLAM! -- read my new poem -- Mariah @ the Dive Bar -- and made the second round. Of course, I…

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Mariah @ the Dive Bar

Mariah @ the Dive Bar When I promised tolove you foreverand ever, long timelike no one elseand assorted otherexaggerations...I lied.I was drunk.So were youof course—it's what we do—so this should be a mootpoint but sober nowI feel the need to clarifysome things.That nightMariah playing onthe jukebox in thatdive bar we bothlove a bit too muchwe bought intothe lyrics believingwe did, in fact,belong together.We probably definitelymost likely don't butdamn if she didn't make itseem possible, especiallywhen the songchangedand you lip-synchedthe chorus...for a split secondI believed I just mightalways be your baby.In the harsh light of daywe're completely totallyutterly wrongfor each other…

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Relaxing Weekend

Cherry pickers A rare relaxing weekend that included a trip upstate for an afternoon of cherry picking at Lawrence Farms Orchards on Saturday, and a walk to the local branch of the NY Public Library today, an impressive facility smack in the middle of a neighborhood dealing with gang problems. Gotta love NYC, no? No? Ah, shaddup! :-P Read and post comments | Send to a friend

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NYC: Love it or Leave It

Me, Self-Portrait New York City: It's more than just a city, it's a state of mind. Not the most original thought, but over the years, I've come to appreciate/realize that you don't have to be a native New Yorker to be a New Yorker. Some transplants come here already more of a New Yorker than many of those who've spent their entire lives here; others come with wild illusions and assumptions that are quickly dispelled, and they either adjust to reality or skip town a year or two later with complaints about how tough it is to live here. Some…

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Fatty No More

Viva le Difference I made a quiet resolution last December to get in better shape this year, partly spurred by the fact that I was tired of avoiding the scale in fear of finally having crossed the 200lb tickmark. Also, I wasn't wearing more than a third of my wardrobe because I didn't like how most of it fit and I refused to buy the next size up, but was getting to the point where it was becoming unavoidable. First, I quit smoking; completely this time. No more social, only-when-drinking, it's-not-really-smoking smokes. Next, earlier this year, I had Salomé put me on a high-protein, 1500-calorie…

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