On the Shelves: 3/15/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month! Check out the Independents' Day Campaign, a rallying cry for comics fans to...you guessed it -- TRY SOMETHING NEW: "This coming New Comics Day, give up your copy of Teen Titans and New X-Men and consider instead Femforce, Hero Squared, GI Joe America's Elite or Starship Troopers Blaze Of Glory." Ironically, I feel like I've hit the wall with my own sampling, much more likely to pick up an OGN or TPB than I am a new floppy these days. I have no interest in subsidizing the industry and its broken business…

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LINK: Jason Todd Spoiled?

NEWSarama has the DC solicits for June up, and this one caught my eye:NIGHTWING #121Written by Bruce JonesArt by Paco Diaz & BitCover by JockNightwing's been captured, and the only man who can save him is...Nightwing? When Jason Todd's life is on the line, will Dick Grayson be ready and willing to save him? After Jason's actions in this issue, he may not!On sale June 14 • 32 pg, FC, $2.99 USI was right!

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COMMENT: Friends & Enemies in the Digital Age

In the midst of the whole Speakeasy dustup two weeks ago, Ed Cunard made an interesting point that I wanted to address on the front end of the blog. Of course, Guy, you're also friends and coworkers at Pop Culture Shock with some creators that got screwed by Speakeasy. Just saying--it seems like everyone talking about this story has some horse in the race, or at least a pony or something else small and horse-like that runs. He's referring to the Elk's Run gang there -- Josh and Jason, in particular -- both of whom I wouldn't hesitate to consider…

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Is that Spring around the corner?

Yikes, I can't believe it's been a month since I last blogged! Here, at least.Lots of things happening but I haven't really had the time or desire to blog about them. The kids are doing well; Salomé and I are once again in full-angst mode over our living and working situations; and I've reached a little bit louder-levels of busy with the comic book stuff.The weather's finally improving and I can sense the winter blahs starting to fade a bit. Been a rough few months and the feeling that spring was taking forever to come was like a dark cloud…

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LINK: Project Rooftop

PROJECT ROOFTOPProject Rooftop is where cartoonists and illustrators bring their costume design skills to task in tribute to the superheroes and villains we’ve grown up with. This site is intended to promote positive costume design as well as foster continued interest for these amazing characters.This site was inspired by a lot of different things, including the recent Batgirl Meme, and AdHouse Books‘ Project: Superior, the television program Project Runway, the videogame tribute site Lifemeter, the introduction of the superhero fashion designer Edna Mode in The Incredibles, and the growing number of indie comics artists, especially on LiveJournal, where superhero redesigns…

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LINK: Why Batman Annual #25 Sucked

Don't take my word for it, since I've hated the Jason Todd returns angle from the very beginning and was extremely biased going into this issue, which I read in the store and then put right back on the shelf, eyes completely glazed over and, for the first time ever, looking forward to reading a Grant Morrison story.Instead, take One Guy's (no relation) word for it, as posted on Four Color Meat & Fish:Is This the End of Zombie Jason?I had been against the idea of Jason Todd’s return from the start... But Judd [Winick] went and did something that…

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LINK: Skyscrapers of the Midwest #3 First Look

The Isotope, San Francisco's ultra-hip comics retailer, has an exclusive First Look at Skyscrapers of the Midwest #3, Joshua Cotter's award-winning series published by AdHouse Books: "Without a doubt, Josh Cotter is one of those comic creators whose work the Isotope looks forward to the most. Sure, we've got a special place in our heart for the guy as we were first introduced to him when he won our Isotope Award for Excellence in Mini-Comics back in 2004. But even if we'd discovered his books through Diamond or Cold Cut, we'd still just love Cotter's comics!" Skyscrapers of the Midwest…

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