NY Comic-Con Journal: Day 3

Go elsewhere if you want pointless snark-for-snark's sake or ill-informed whining from people who didn't attend the show, because while there were definitely many things that went wrong this weekend, the final result was undeniable: NY Comic-Con was a huge victory for the industry. Not just the usual suspects, either, as I believe Reed's success in tapping the mainstream side of the publishing industry -- ie: Borders, Del Rey, Harry N. Abrams, Simon & Schuster, Roaring Brooks' :01 (First Second) imprint -- plus a small army of librarians who were reportedly roaming the floors checking out many of the indie…

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NY Comic-Con Journal: Day 2

Crazy.Crowded.Lot of fun.After-party was off the hook, exceeding my expectations.Two panels tomorrow with no sleep. Yikes!Sleep now...Packed to the rafters.PopCultureShock booth and back of Senior Games Editor Howard Brown's head.((FREQUENCIES)) and Necromancer writer, Joshua Ortega.Elsinore and Monkey vs. Lemur writer, Ken Lillie-PaetzNostalgia Rampage!Cool Superman art from the Geppi's Entertainment Museum booth.Tim Seeley and Josh Blaylock representing for Devil's Dueat the PopCultureShock booth.Writer Charlie Huston representing for Moon Knight and his novels, with C.C. Banana and Howard Brown in the background, at the PopCultureShock booth.Charlie Huston and #1 Moon Knight fan, Comic Geek Speak's Kevin Moyer.Sabrina the Teenage Witch writer/artist, Tania…

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NY Comic-Con Journal: Day 1

I am exhausted.Before I say anything else, I want to get this one thing out of the way. During the Distribution panel this afternoon, a mouse ran into the room, right past where I was sitting, and off towards the stage. It looked like the moderator, ICv2's Milton Griep, noticed it, or noticed something, but no one else did. I'm just glad I didn't let out a little yelp when I saw it. Mice don't bother me like rats do, though.Welcome to NY!And another side note: Javits charges some ridiculous amount to use their WiFi network. Something like $24.95/hour. So…

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Comment: Guess Who?

If this doesn't get you off your seat, you're not a fan! When Superhero Hype broke this image earlier today, the hearts of fanboys everywhere skipped a beat. Now let the flood of debate begin!While surfing the net, I came upon a comment by Quint from Aint It Cool News. He mentions that there appears to be an image in Spider-Man's eyepiece. Well after of few minutes of tooling around with Photoshop, just follow this link and see for yourself. I don't want to comment as to what I think there is or isn't, but it's pretty clear to me.Don't…

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NY Comic-Con Journal: Day 0

So it all begins tomorrow... :-)Actually, it technically began about 3 hours ago as the ICv2 Graphic Novel Conference for Professionals is today, a series of panels on the past, present and future of graphic novels. Something I would have loved to attend, but alas, taking off tomorrow from work is about as much as I can handle. [EDIT: Tom McLean's coverage at the link.]The next three days promise to be a whirlwind of activity, with tomorrow probably being the most relaxed; once I get there, at least. Over the next 19 hours, I have to print some updated business…

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COMMENT: Dawson Ditches Speakeasy

After ending 2005 with a flurry of bad press, fledgling indie publisher, Speakeasy Comics, kicked off 2006 with the first of what was presumably going to be a string of big announcements which would reposition them as a player to be reckoned with in the industry: Rosario Dawson's Occult Crimes Taskforce (O.C.T.)"Rosario Dawson is an artist in the purest sense. She can act, sing, as well as write. She’s just an all around creative person. We are thrilled to collaborate with Rosario, David and Tony on this one of a kind project. The Rosario Dawson fans of the world are…

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On the Shelves: 2/22/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 2/22/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com]PICK OF THE WEEKBluesman: Vol. 1ALIAS ENTERPRISES LLC Lions Tigers & Bears TPB, $9.99 Lullaby Wisdom Seeker Vol 1 TPB (AA), $9.99LT&B piqued my interest when it first came out, but I never picked it up. Interesting to see that…

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