COMMENT: Speculation – Evolve or Die?

Paul O'Brien's monthly analysis of Marvel's sales for November 2005 has several interesting tidbits sprinkled througout that suggest speculation isn't dead."...NEW AVENGERS, still Marvel's top selling ongoing title. It's actually now below the normal sales level of ASTONISHING X-MEN, mind you, so things might be different when that book resumes publishing. With the lengthy run of variant covers over, NEW AVENGERS has gone into a fairly normal decline.""'Decimation' has had strangely erratic effects across the X-books, as we'll see. It's entirely likely that Decimation, and the hype for the storyline, has played a big part in the sales jump. But…

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On the Shelves: 1/5/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!Happy new year! My weekly look at select comic books being released THURSDAY, 1/5/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]AIRWAVE COMICS Alan Moore Spells It Out, $9.95Spells what out? A-l-a-n S-m-i-t-h-e-e?ALIAS ENTERPRISES LLC Lullaby #2, $2.99 Yenny #2, $2.99Lullaby has kind of lost me, and I can't honestly say that it's not partly thanks to my…

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COMMENT: Comics & "the Mainstream"

The Comics Reporter's Tom Spurgeon, in his first CR Sunday Magazine of the new year, said:"Screw being mainstream anyway. Comics has a lot of its cultural power not just as a secondary art form, but as a semi-disgraced secondary art form. I think because of their personal neuroses, which in many cases expresses itself in a desire to be popular, some comics fans put too much stock in a wide audience. The goofballs who write 'According to Jim' have a bigger audience than the playwright Tony Kushner. But who has the more admirable, effective and ultimately desirable creative platform? I'd…

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Buzzscope Comics: Best of 2005

What’s good? What’s worth the money? What will leave you satisfied when it’s done, and not wishing you’d bought a copy of Entertainment Weekly, or rented Batman Begins instead? Fear not, loyal reader, because we here at Buzzscope have read way more comic books this year than, say, Andrew Arnold – plus, we don’t self-consciously spell comics with an annoyingly pretentious “x” – slogging through some of the worst comics to hit the shelves, in order to bring you the Best Comics of 2005.

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COMMENT: Newsarama Interview with JQ, Part II

Last week I posted the following portion of an interview Newsarama did with Joe Quesada. "NRAMA: "When do the events in Spider-Man: The Other, Secret War, and House of M happen in relation to one another?"JQ: Actually, we have this listed somewhere but it's now 3:45AM and I can't think straight. Not copping out on you but lets get back to this question next week and I'll have the info handy."I was curious to see if JQ would answer the question the following week, or if he would duck it completely. More importantly though, would Newsarama ask it again? The…

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