On The Shelves: 12/14/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!It's the home stretch for 2005! My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 12/14/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com]AMAZE INK (SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS)Where the hell is the next 15 Minutes?!?!CLAYPOOL COMICS Elvira #151, $2.50Soon to be direct order only? Considering they're about to get dumped by Diamond, you'd think they'd invest some…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 12/7/05

This week, I go the capsule/quickee route on GOTHAM CENTRAL #38, NYC MECH: BETA LOVE #4 and VAISTRON #2 (with a shout-out to NAT TURNER #2), plus others take on MARVEL ZOMBIES #1, OPTIC NERVE #10 and more. Check it out.Also, be sure to check out our GEEK GIFTS 2005 feature, where we spotlight some of "the best holiday treats for you, or the geek you love." It's not just comics.Finally, keep in mind that we're adding comics content almost every day, so be sure to hit the Comics section when you visit, not just the main page, so you…

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Pull List Review: December 2005 (Part I)

Here's what I'm currently buying on a regular basis, and, in some cases, why. (And here's where things stood back in June.) "+" / "-" / "*" equal the change, if any, in my opinion since then.100 Girls *Only a couple of issues since June but pulled off a wire-to-wire run on my Top 10 for 2005.15 Minutes *Haven't seen another issue since I first discovered the series back in April, but unlike, say, Secret War, I'm still looking forward to it.Action Philosophers! *Always fun, but I suspect it doesn't have terribly long legs. I give it another 3 issues…

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I’ve Been Infected

(Actually, a few days ago, but work's been kicking my ass this week.) This is the blog version of a chain letter Salomé "infected" me with. The point is to state 10 random things about yourself and "infect" ten others. Here we go...1) Despite the former poetry series, editing Buzzscope, and my apparently good reputation at work (see #2), I am one of the most disorganized people I know. My desk is almost always buried under piles of papers, most relating to jobs in various stages of incompletion.2) I can't take a compliment. Makes me feel awkward and I never…

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LINK: YACB’s Second Annual CBLDF Fund Drive

David Carter of Yet Another Comics Blog (and the YACB Fantasy League where my Moon Knights have had a more pathetic season than my NY Jets) is holding his Second Annual CBLDF Fund Drive. In short: "For the period between now and December 24, if 10 people join as [Comic Book Legal Defense Fund] members at the $25 level (or higher) I will donate $250 to CBLDF."It's a great organization, and this year, he's not even requiring that you be a new member, which I was last year when I joined during his inaugural Fund Drive.$25 to a worthy cause?…

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LINK: Iron Chef! WS vs Aspen, Main Event!!!

From the Wildstorm blog, Sun of Gelatometti:That's right guys it's on, and going down [today], Thursday, December 8th, at 2:00pm pst! The one you guys have all been waiting for, JIM LEE vs MICHAEL TURNER! The battles up until have been hot and heated, here are the past results!Round 1 - Alé Garza vs Marcus ToWinner: Garza!Round 2 - Carlos D'anda vs Koi TurnbullWinner: Turnbull!Round 3 - Richard Friend vs Micah GunellWinner: Friend!Wildstorm goes into the final round with a slight edge, but with the strength of tomorrows two competitors it could go either way! STAY TUNED!!!No word yet on…

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