Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Here we go again… Leo Horoscope Fri May 16, 2003 by Astrocenter.com You have acquired some sound confidence in yourself, dear Leo. Now it is time for you to display it by actually performing in life. It’s as though, symbolically, you have just completed an in-depth acting class. Well, now is the time to go

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Sleep does a body good. And the mind, too. India’s been more or less sleeping through the night the past week or so, at worst waking up only once. It’s made quite a difference in our getting some half-decent sleep which is a good thing considering I got the “9am” talk yesterday. That corporate thing

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Last night, I caught myself thinking about my kids when they grow up. About the possibility that they’ll end up completely different from what I’d hope and how I might feel about that and what I might do, if there was anything to be done. I realized the best I can hope for is that

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

A friend just passed this one on to me: LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Just in time for zero hour, I’m happy to add a new term to your vocabulary: kairos. It’s Greek for “time of destiny, critical turning point, propitious moment for decision or action.” Kairos refers to a special season charged with significance and

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

But I’m not the least bit excited

Ditched the morning sessions of the conference yesterday and wandered the streets for a couple of hours, getting some air and clearing my head. Finally checked out the Pokemon Store in Rockefeller Center. Good thing I never went in there when I was actively collecting the cards! Had lunch with Salomé at Bread from Beirut

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Last week we went to check out an apartment in a friend’s building but there were only studios available, or at least so they said. Disappointed, we headed over to pick up the kids and on the way, saw a for rent sign in the window of a building on the Grand Councourse, half a

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Monday, Monday… Have some stuff from the weekend to write about but I’ll hold off as whoever’s reading this today is likely only here for one thing: my take on tonight’s Finals. First, how’s it going to work? It’s a tricky balance of testing the poets’ stamina while ensuring an entertaining show for the audience.

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Ok, I lied. Quick fix! Ed Garcia is THE man! The CD (5 PAST 13) is going to be ready for Monday night’s show and it’s purely because he busted his ass to get it done. The mastering, the design, the production…hell, he even ordered the track list! (I’m #13.) Fuck collectivism, it takes individuals

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Your Daily Horoscope for May 09, 2003 Dear Guy, Although you are usually an outgoing person, you could feel a little shy right now. It might be more comfortable for you to sit back and to be an observer, Guy. You could find it interesting to watch and to listen. Sometimes you are so busy

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

from Astronet: Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead. The sign radiates mega-confidence. Of course, the Lion must have an audience. Without applause, what else is there? The fixed motivation adds self-reliance, a characteristic that works well in leadership positions. Leo is a formative energy, with the

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