Just a little heads-up on some changes afoot here at CBC. Most significant, in terms of content, is that I will no longer be posting current reviews, including ménage à trois, or interviews here. The Editor is a megalomaniacal control freak who insists on…
Oh, wait, wrong site! I’m the Editor here!
Seriously, though, last week I signed on with the recently re-launched Buzzscope.com – f/k/a PopCultureShock.com – one of my favorite comics sites that’s home to some of the funniest, enlightening, and insightful columns on the internet. They also publish weekly reviews to which I’ll be contributing my fair share, starting with today’s role call of last Wednesday’s comics, with reviews of Batgirl #63, The Losers #23, Lullaby #2, Red Sonja #0, and the newest addition to my 2005 Top 10 (so far…), 15 Minutes #3. Check them out and leave some comments behind!
[NOTE: I began adding all Buzzscope/PCS reviews to the CBC archives as of 7/2/06.]
I’ll also be contributing interviews, as well as a feature package now and then, a la the Free Comic Book Day roundup that was just greenlit and should go up either Friday or Saturday. My goal is to take advantage of their larger audience to continue to spotlight good comics, particularly the underappreciated indies and underdogs of the Big Two, as well as the creators busting their asses to make those comics good.
You can follow me specifically here, but I’d also encourage you to bookmark the site itself and make it a regular stop on your comic book-related travels. They also cover games, toys, movies, music and more, so definitely check it out!
As for CBC, we’ll still be here patrolling our little corner of the comics blogiverse, and hopefully some of our less-frequent contributors will step up to fill the void, particularly with coverage of the current stuff. I’ll still be contributing the occasional Retro review (a bunch of old EPIC comics have been trying to get my attention for weeks now) and commentary, as well as minding the store in general. Even though the FAQ says we’re not currently looking for more contributors, unless it’s another female, I’d love to hear from anyone who might be interested in contributing a weekly review roundup of current stuff. Drop me a line at glecharles at gmail if you’re interested. If you’ve contacted me before, drop me another line to show you’re still reading along!
Change is good sometimes, and I’m looking forward to this one. Thanks for reading!
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