Walk Now for Autism, 2008
Did you know that every 20 minutes another child is diagnosed with autism?
Three years ago, our daughter India was diagnosed with PDD-NOS – an Autism Spectrum Disorder. After three years of intense therapy and lots of support from organizations dedicated to families of children with Autism, India has come a long way and while she still has some trouble with communicating and overstimulation, she no longer presents with the symptoms typically associated with Autism.
Please help me give other children the same opportunity by supporting me as I walk with Team 352X again in this year’s Autism Speaks Walk Now for Autism fund-raising event.
This is my 3rd year walking — 2nd year with Team 352X — and I consider it one of the most important things I do each year. Your financial support is most appreciated, not just on behalf of my daughter India and the great kids my wife Salomé teaches at 352X, but for all the kids and their families who benefit from an increased awareness of autism and the additional resources that are becoming available due to that increased awareness.