Tag: Batman

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Buzzscope Reviews: 6/2/05

Bet you can’t guess which one was my favorite review? Son of Vulcan #1 (of 6)There’s something of a pleasing throwback quality to Son of Vulcan, a worthy substitute for any pull list still tolerating the likes of Robin or Nightwing. Ororo: Before the Storm #1 (of 4)Solid work all around and should appeal to

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Comment: 9 Days and Counting!

Batman Begins opens June 15th, and the reviews are starting to come in. This weekend at Wizard World Philly’s DC panel, lucky attendees were selected for an advance screening. Regular folks like you and me will have to wait a little longer to see DC’s crown jewel in all its celluloid glory. I’m eager to

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Ten Things Every Child with Autism Wishes You Knew

by Ellen Notbohm Some days it seems the only predictable thing about it is the unpredictability. The only consistent attribute, the inconsistency. There is little argument on any level but that autism is baffling, even to those who spend their lives around it. The child who lives with autism may look “normal,” but his or

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Buzzscope Reviews: 5/25/05

Gotham Central: Half A Life TPBIf you’re reading more than five comic books a month and Gotham Central isn’t one of them, you’re wrong. Captain America #6Unlike Winnick’s similar Jason Todd-driven storyline currently unfolding over in Batman, Brubaker’s take on things doesn’t feel lazy and contrived, and isn’t reliant on any familiarity with Cap’s history

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Review: Batman Begins’ Smallville Preview

WOW should begin and end every sentence when speaking about Batman Begins. Last night, America was treated to a 10-minute preview of the future blockbuster, courtesy of the WB Network. At the end of the preview my first thought was, “WOW!” My second thought was, “Hopefully I won’t die before June 15th.” It sounds ridiculous,

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Longest. Week. Ever.

There’s a request of my NY-area readers at the end of this, but first, the preamble. “Life, she is a roller coaster; for every thrilling dip, there is an uphill slog.” I just made that sagacious little quote up, because it pretty much sums up last week. Long story short, we’ve squashed the Bloomfield house

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Buzzscope Reviews: 5/4/05

Holy overload, Batman! That’s a lot of comics! Check out this week’s reviews as I cover: Amelia Rules #0, Arcana Studios Presents #2, Flight Primer, Ronin Hood of the 47 Samurai, and Superior Showcase #0 from Free Comic Book Day. Plus, Damn Nation #3, Fade From Grace #5, Power Pack #2, and Sea of Red

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Free Comic Book Day Is Upon Us!

Support Independent Comics! Tomorrow is Free Comic Book Day and to celebrate, I read EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. of the 28 comics that will be available at finer comic book shops around the country, and in other parts of the world! Why would I do such a thing, you ask? So I could write up a

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

REVIEW: Batgirl #63

Post-“War Games”, writer Andersen Gabrych is slowly but surely turning Batgirl into the most satisfying Bat-book not named Gotham Central. Freed from the angst-ridden constraints of patrolling the streets of Gotham City in Batman’s shadow — and to a lesser degree, Oracle’s — Batgirl is on her own, relocating to the mean streets of Blüdhaven

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

REVIEW: The Losers #23

Most mainstream comic books these days ride a rickety wooden roller coaster throughout their ever-shortening life spans, offering an uneven mix of definitive and forgettable story arcs before inevitably being rebooted by some flavor-of-the-month talent in the kind of short-term thinking that brought down corporations like Enron and Worldcom. Then there are comic books like

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