Pumpkin Seeds: Final Notes on the Election Edition

1. Bush won 51% of the popular vote, the first majority victory in a presidential election since his father beat Dukakis in 1988. 2. Bush won 31 states to Kerry's 19. 3. Bush won 11 states with more than 60% of the vote, and another 4 with more than 59% of the vote. 4. Kerry won only one state (Massachussetts) with more than 60% of the vote, and another 2 with more than 59% of the vote. [NOTE: He also won Washington, DC with 89.5% of the vote.] 5. Democrats that are busy debating whether or not Bush can claim…

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NaNoWriMo 2004 Word Count, Day 7

With this entry, or my last NaNoWriMo update, I will have written over 200,000 words in this and my couple of other Blogger journals. That’s roughly the equivalent of a 700-page book!

It took 22 months of writing a little bit every day about a myriad of topics to get there, and yet I somehow think that I can generate 25% of that, on one topic, in 30 days?

NaNoWriMo Word Count, Day 7: 5,709 (-5,960)

My new favorite line, particularly when you get the subtext: “I swear that’s been our team’s problem all along,” Damon shook his head. “We get the narcissists, they get the zombies.”


On that note, I should probably throw out a disclaimer for the novel: Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is most likely entirely purposeful. It’s a friggin’ satire, dumbass!


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Election 2004: I voted WFP

At 8:15am, I was the 24th person in my district to cast a vote, pulling the lever of compromise for the Kerry/Edwards ticket and Charles Schumer in Row E, the Working Families Party. A couple of other Democrats in local races got my vote, while several others running unopposed (or on both the Democrat and Republican lines) didn't. As of tomorrow, my party affiliation will officially transfer from "None" to the WFP. Once the dust settles and we know who the President will be, the real work begins on a gameplan for the next four years. I intend to get…

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Kerry = Bush

All you fearful voters out there, especially the ones leaning towards Bush because you think Osama Bin Laden favors Kerry...remember, as it relates to foreign policy, specifically w/r/t to the Middle East, there is no significant difference between Bush and Kerry. If that's your main concern, then you should just vote for Nader. Al-Qaeda doesn't need to attack the US again to influence the elections because they've already succeeded in doing that. The fact that it's as close as it is the day before the election is proof that Americans have been sufficiently terrorized into not thinking clearly. The fact…

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The Kerry Compromise

Life is all about knowing when to compromise and I think I've found mine w/r/t my vote for President thanks to a timely email from Dan Cantor of the fledgling Working Families Party here in New York: In New York, the WFP’s main goals are to get a solid vote for Kerry-Edwards on our line (Row E), and to help our priority candidates win. We ask your help in both. In the Presidential [election], votes for Kerry-Edwards on Row E/WFP are worth JUST AS MUCH as a vote on the Democratic line, but carry an extra message. Long-time WFP voters…

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It's one thing to believe Kerry is the right choice for President, but it's a whole 'nother ballgame to see him as the lesser of two evils and vote for him anyway. Back in 2000, I recognized Bush for the hand puppet that he was/is and was adamantly against the idea that Gore was the lesser of two evils, villifying anyone that supported Nader instead or simply didn't bother to vote when they knew they were in a swing state. Gore ran a terrible campaign, much worse than Kerry's, underestimating both Bush and his level of support (and, in retrospect,…

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It's distractions like this that led to a knucklehead like John Kerry getting the Democratic nod to face-off against Bush in what should by all rights be a turkey shoot of an election. Assuming turkey shoot means the same thing as shooting fish in a barrel, of course. I couldn't care less if Bush was wired up for the debate or not and dwelling on it serves no purpose at all. If he was wired, it simply confirms him as the know-nothing dimwit most Democrats believe he is, aka the same dimwit they derided in 2000 that beat them. BUT,…

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