Tag: New Media

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

What New Media Can Learn From Slam Poetry

“I have just read the immortal poems of the ages and come away dull. I don’t know who’s at fault; maybe it’s the weather, but I sense a lot of pretense and poesy footwork: I am writing a poem, they seem to say, look at me! Poetry must be forgotten; we must get down to

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Stop Interrupting; Listen, Engage, Earn Attention

You know the stereotype of the guy on the first date who can’t stop talking about himself, only to wonder why he doesn’t get a kiss at the end of the night, never mind a second date? That guy is like advertising. In the latest flare-up of the “print is dead” debate, Michael Josefowicz’ provocative

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Bursting the Social Media Bubble

THE_REAL_SHAQ How can u b an expert without legitimate knowledge or legitimate experience Shaq oneal about 9 hours ago from TwitterBerry It’s been fascinating watching the odd, mostly one-sided battle going on between so-called social media experts and traditional marketing and PR professionals, as the former continue to pound their virtual drums on a daily

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Upcoming Gigs: Panel, Workshop, Evolution

I don’t do many events these days beyond the random open mic appearance at louderARTS or Urbana, so I’m very excited about these two gigs this week, the NY Round Table Writers’ Conference and Acentos Poetry Workshop, as well as the Conversational Marketing Summit I’ll be attending in June. NY Round Table Writers’ Conference Friday,

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Time, Inc.’s “mine” fumbles kickoff

“Oh, I get it. It’s very clever. How’s that working out for you?” –Tyler Durden, Fight Club Well, it seemed like a good idea. Magazine publishing executives are under a lot of pressure these days after the perfect storm of a wretched economy and the deflating of the emedia bubble have wreaked havoc on their

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Attack of the Social Media Gurus

Have you heard, yet? EVERYBODY is on Twitter! It’s grown 1,382,000% since last year! Even William Shatner is using it! This may come as a surprise but I don’t have a degree in acting. http://tinyurl.com/ct6sut Please subscribe to my YouTube channel 1:54 PM Mar 21st from web Also, Google is dead; Facebook is broken; and

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Advertising is Failure

Digital guru Steve Rubel interviews Jeff Jarvis, author of “What Would Google Do?“, who makes an interesting point that I suspect many marketers are going to have in the back of their minds when the economy ultimately turns around and they reassess their marketing strategies and measure the results of their responses to the meltdown.

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Hitting the Reset Button on emedia

Ultimately, publishers’ primary focus should be to curate great content that people are willing to pay for, and to organize and nuture a community around that content and the authors who create it. That community will exist in multiple places and spaces, physical and virtual, and it will flow into whatever container suits it best.

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

When the Internet Flapped its Wings

While preparing for a series of meetings on emedia strategy over the weekend, one thought kept nagging at me: What the hell is emedia anyway? Online and email advertising, webcasts, virtual trade shows, ebooks, ecommerce…oh, my! In the publishing world, it is the holy grail that will save us all thanks to high profit margins and easy

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Rise of the Publetariat

If you’re a self-published author or independent micro-press, these are very interesting times we’re living in as Amazon officially announced the new Kindle, major publishing companies are in meltdown mode, and the entire industry is scrambling to figure out what’s next. While following the Tools of Change Conference on Twitter, I came across an intriguing tweet from @indieauthor: #TOC

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