The Most Fantastic Genre

[youtube:] PopCultureShock posted this great little clip about the new Blue Beetle -- Mexican-American Jaime Reyes -- and Junot Diaz' Oscar Wao, wherein Diaz notes: "The most fantastic genre can't keep up, or refuses to keep up, with how much our country has changed. And so people can dream about aliens, and they can dream … Continue reading The Most Fantastic Genre

And he has a sense of humor!

[youtube:] "And I got my middle name from somebody who obviously didn't think I'd ever run for President." I just got around to watching Obama's speech at the Al Smith Dinner the other night and it's funny as hell, taking shots at McCain, Clinton, Schumer, Bloomberg, Giuliani, Wall Street and, most importantly, himself, showing a … Continue reading And he has a sense of humor!

Olbermann Pounds Nail Into Clinton Coffin

[youtube:] Again, Keith Olbermann cuts to the chase: You actually used the word "assassination" in a time when there is a fear, unspoken but vivid and terrible, that our again-troubled land and fractured political landscape might target a black man running for president. Or a white man. Or a white woman! You actually used those … Continue reading Olbermann Pounds Nail Into Clinton Coffin

I’m Not Dead

...but I certainly feel like I've been buried alive lately! [youtube:] Speaking, tangentially, of being careful what you wish for*, I'd totally understand if Obama was really close to just saying "screw y'all" and handing the nomination to Clinton. Hunter S. Thompson's sentiment -- paraprashing someone else, I believe -- "In a democracy, people usually get the kind of government they deserve, and … Continue reading I’m Not Dead

I just can’t resist

[youtube:] [from the Jed Report, via Ben Smith] And for some background, the Washington Post's Mary Ann Akers dug up Sinbad, the comedian who accompanied Clinton on that harrowing peace-keeping mission to Bosnia in 1996, along with other noted crisis negotiators Sheryl Crow and a pre-teen Chelsea Clinton, for this enlightening flashback: In her Iowa stump speech, Clinton … Continue reading I just can’t resist