Obama, I Choose You!

Back in 2004 I discovered an election sim called President Forever via a random Google ad on my old blog, bought it and spent many a late night frustrated over my unsuccessful attempts to lead Dennis Kucinich to simulated victory over Dubya. No surprise, really, but it was still a fun game that nicely married a few of my favorite things: politics, simulation and strategy games, and fantasy sports. (That same heady mix of total control and total lack of control that often gets me in trouble in real life!) It was when I couldn’t get Kerry or Edwards over the hump after several tries, though, that I began to get legitimately worried about reality; and the rest is sad, sad history.

So of course, after saying just a couple of weeks ago that I wasn’t going to become emotionally invested in this year’s election — to the point where I was purposefully limiting my exposure to any of the candidates, avoiding some of my favorite shows like Hardball and Meet the Press, only skimming relevant posts on my politically vocal friends’ blogs, effectively being the dreaded Average American — I caved and started researching the so-called Big Three Democrats: Clinton, Obama and Edwards.

Then I discovered Talking Points Memo and their Election Central coverage, and it was pretty much over.

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I was still on the fence between Obama and Edwards at that point, but the combination of this Vanity Fair interview with Obama’s wife, Michelle, and Kucinich’s latest “second choice” ploy in Iowa — the same move he pulled in 2004 that put Edwards on my radar to begin with — knocked me off and I am now officially and fully in Barack Obama’s corner. So much so, I’m going to attempt to change my party affiliation back to Democrat in order to vote in the primary next month, something I didn’t even do for Kucinich back in 2004. It might be too late for me, but it’s not too late for YOU if you’re not already registered.



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Preliminary Thoughts on Election 2008

I refuse to become as emotionally invested in the presidential race this time around, largely because none of the candidates speak to me as strongly as Kucinich did back in 2004 when he represented an admittedly longshot at legitimate change.  Between him and Sharpton, there were issues put on the table that couldn’t easily be swept away by the “leading” candidates, and if not for the distraction of the opportunistic Howard Dean, the Democrats might have nominated someone with an actual chance to beat Bush instead of a clueless John Kerry.

I have been keeping one eye on both parties candidates, though, akin to having the playoffs on in the background even though your team isn’t playing, just in case something interesting happens, and have some initial thoughts about some of the front-runners, each of whom I’m only now starting to explore further.


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Reunion (2nd Draft)

First draft here, this is the edited version I read on the open mic last night. Felt like a total newbie -- it's not at all like riding a bike! -- but it was very satisfying once I stepped off the stage. I wouldn't call it a comeback, necessarily, but it certainly won't be the last time. BITTERSWEET REUNION C-130 rollin down the strip Airborne Daddy gonna take a little trip Mission top secret Destination unknown He don't know if he's ever coming home...An old Army buddy emailed meout of the blue a few weeks ago.Found me on the Internetamongst…

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BITTERSWEET REUNIONAn old Army buddy emailed meout of the blue a few weeks ago.Found me on the Internetamongst too many "friends" I barely knowand wouldn't take a bullet for.Fills me inon the guys we used to run with,some in, some out,some completely off the grid,some names I recall,and some don't ring a bell at all.Puts me in touchwith another buddy,--also out, married with kids--and I'm surprised to hearthat everyone's alive,and for a split secondhave this whitewashed flashbackand I miss the life.We were all old enoughto have enlisted with clear eyes,young enough to believewe were invincible.More practical than patrioticwe terrorized the…

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Am I just being cynical in thinking that much of the love being professed for Barack Obama rests a bit too precariously on the fact that he's an articulate, well-spoken black man with a Great American Novel backstory? Because that's all you ever hear about him in references to his purportedly being the future of the Democratic Party. Nothing about his record, or his stance on any particular issue, just how he wowed everyone with his speech at the DNC and how he's of mixed racial background. And if I am being cynical, does that mean I'm wrong?

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The Democrats are done.

Kerry concedes, delivering a bad Oscar speech, and once again calls for compromise from Democrats: "America is in need of unity, and longing for a larger measure of compassion." Instead of rallying the troops and capitalizing on the momentum of an invigorated, if demoralized, left he wants us to play the lamb to the lion and hope this time we don't get mauled. Sorry. Not this time. We tried that route in 2000 and took it square on the chin as a result, and got saddled with another compromised loser instead of taking a stand for real change and nominating…

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Just read the text of Kerry's prepared speech - not the transcript of the one actually delivered which varied slightly - and can't help but think in terms of the poetry slam: 4.8 for content, 3.0 for performance. Which in this image-obsessed, media-driven world, one where George Bush is able to successfully present himself as a "regular guy," is a scary thing. For those that worry about how my vote will ultimately be cast, understand that intellectually, I realize Kerry is exponentially better than Bush, hands down. Philosophically, though, it offends me that he is my only "viable" choice, as…

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