Public Libraries and Ebooks Redux [for Independent Publishers]

I had the pleasure of kicking off the new year by participating in IBPA's PubU Online webinar series, presenting "Engaging New Readers with Ebooks in Public Libraries" and I've posted my slides and written up my main presentation here as it pulled together a few threads I haven't addressed in one place before. Non-IBPA members and other library-curious types might find them useful as a starting point to learn more about how libraries work, and why they're an important partner for publishers of all sizes.

Panorama Project Pandemic Progress—Updates from Libraryland

I took over the Panorama Project last July—which really does feel like two lifetimes ago—so as my anniversary looms, it's a perfect time to check-in and see how things are progressing. It was only three months ago that the Panorama Project was gaining some real momentum, coming off a productive PubWest gathering and announcements of two major initiatives for 2020: Immersive Media & Reading 2020—Consumer Survey, and the Library Marketing Valuation Toolkit. Despite everything, Panorama's work hasn't halted, and our two big initiatives continue to move forward.

Talking About Libraries—Updates from Libraryland

Hyper-current events aside, 2020 has gotten off to a productive start for the Panorama Project, hot on the heels of my Publishers Weekly op-ed challenging the industry to take question of libraries more seriously. Since then, we released our annual report and announced two major new initiatives; I was a featured speaker at PubWest 2020; and I did fun interviews with Library Journal and Book Riot where I got to discuss my work in more detail.