COMMENT: Forest, Trees and Taki Soma

Things that are pissing me off right about now: 1) Tom Spurgeon's unnecessarily snarky and ill-informed commentary yesterday, which includes an ill-timed reference to old rumors about Friends of Lulu, and barely a cursory mention of the actual situation which precipitated the creation of the Empowerment Fund. 2) Heidi MacDonald's total lack of reference to Taki's coming forward, or the creation of the Empowerment Fund, and yet she posts about her "FIGHT!" with Spurgeon over his disparaging comment about Friends of Lulu. (UPDATE: Within minutes of this post, Heidi's comments on the situation went up.) 3) Elayne Riggs' hypocritical Reasons…

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LINK: Sexual Assault Follow-up

Ronée Garcia Bourgeois follows up on her story from a few months back about a sexual assault at a comics convention that led to some serious behind-the-scenes dustups that found us fighting off complaints of libel from one innocent bystander; the guilty successfully hiding behind a ill-conceived bigger (but in actuality, significantly smaller) picture; and the victim hitting roadblock after roadblock in her quest for legal recourse. What A Girl Wants #24 - The Rest Of the Story! Back in December, I first told you about an alleged sexual assault that occurred at a comic convention and expressed my own…

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PopCultureShock Update #513f

Slowly but surely, I'm getting back on track over there. A huge help in that regard was finally finding a managing editor, Kevin MacDonald, who saw my posting on The Engine and endured a grueling interview process that included publicly, and intelligently, talking comics while drinking in an Irish pub. Equally important, though, is that he's actually a production editor by day, working for one of the major publishing houses here in the City. He'll be taking over coordinating and editing approx. 60% of our columns, while I finally turn my attention to getting our reviews up to snuff. Yay,…

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On the Shelves: 3/29/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month. Man, I was a little pissy last week, yes? Nothing a strong week of comics couldn't cure, though! American Way, Robin, Supermarket, Scatterbrain, Captain America, Iron Man: The Inevitable, Next Wave, was like comics' own Best Week Ever! Here's my weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 3/29/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try…

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COMMENT: Riddick Comics?

from (x-posted to Buzz Blog):"It took me five years to make 'The Chronicles of Riddick,'" says Vin Diesel, "and [I'm] very precious about it. It went through many, many, many writers. Hopefully it won't take five years for the next one. But when I was in the process of creating this mythology for 'Chronicles of Riddick,' the idea was to create a story, a trilogy, that would start at the end of 'Pitch Black' in the same way that 'Lord of the Rings' is a trilogy that starts at the end, essentially, of 'The Hobbit.' So I wanted 'The…

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NY Comic-Con Journal: Day 1

I am exhausted.Before I say anything else, I want to get this one thing out of the way. During the Distribution panel this afternoon, a mouse ran into the room, right past where I was sitting, and off towards the stage. It looked like the moderator, ICv2's Milton Griep, noticed it, or noticed something, but no one else did. I'm just glad I didn't let out a little yelp when I saw it. Mice don't bother me like rats do, though.Welcome to NY!And another side note: Javits charges some ridiculous amount to use their WiFi network. Something like $24.95/hour. So…

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LINK: NY Comic-Con Update

Things are starting to come together rather quickly for the New York Comic-Con...a mere 19 days away!?!?! The above image is the flyer Jon designed, which we'll be distributing at the Con, and possibly some other places. It's worth $2 off the cover price so make sure to track one down! And feel free to spread the word, as I want to get Ivan and Andy a nice turnout, and get NYC Mech on some more radars, especially locally.Also, bookmark for updates on booth appearances and panel discussions.In other news, I'm still swamped by real world activities, but there's…

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