COMMENT: One Year Later Preview

Thanks to Jason Richards for boiling down the DiDio interview over at NEWSarama:Plastic Man is CANCELLED.Gotham Central is CANCELLED.Batman: Gotham Knights is CANCELLED.Batgirl is CANCELLED.JLA is CANCELLED. (wha? huh?!)Adventures of Superman is being CANCELLED and the Superman title is being reverted back to its original numbering (starting with #650).Flash is ENDING (not yet sure what the difference is with being CANCELLED).the "current run" of Wonder Woman is ENDING as well.Plastic Man is no surprise and actually has nothing to do with One Year Later. I believe low sales and Kyle Baker's contract ending took care of that one. Regardless what…

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Buzzscope/CBC Editorial Office

My “inbox”:

The stack on the top left is everything I’ve read recently but not reviewed, either for Buzzscope of CBC Quickees. Approx. 15 comics deep is where intended reviews go to die. 🙁

The stack on the top right, underneath the New York TimesInfinite Crisis article, is mostly completed mini-series and story arcs that I’ve not yet filed away. There’s also some random issues of Moon Knight and Marc Spector: Moon Knight I pulled a while back in anticipation of my interview with Charlie Huston, and a complete run of The Saga of Crystar the Crystal Warrior, one of three I picked up off eBay a few months back when I got the wild idea that I wanted to track down the rights and publish my own revival of it! Um, yeah, moving on…

The stack on the bottom left are “not current” comics I haven’t read yet. Mostly digests and odd-sized TPBs – including Scott Pilgrim #1-2 and You Ain’t No Dancer – the first two issues of El Muerto landed on top of that pile because I didn’t want them to get buried underneath–

the stack on the bottom right, “current” comics that I haven’t read yet. There’s a few TPBs on the bottom, including Flight Vol. 2, but it’s mostly floppies, and the pile has steadily gotten bigger ever since I took on the editorial position over at Buzzscope. Rocketo #1, XIII #1, Winter Men #1-2 are all in there somewhere.

Underneath them are 2 long boxes and 3 short boxes, holding, respectively, current arcs and mini-series, my incomplete collection of the original EPIC line of comics, my 2/3rds-complete collection of Moon Knight (including significant appearances), completed indie mini-series’, and random first issues of series’ I’m not collecting.


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CBC Quickees: Home Sick Edition

Can't title these by the previous Wednesday anymore since my posting schedule and To Read pile are wildly out of sync. Been home sick most of this week, though, and have been able to cut the pile almost in half. Rocketo #1 and XIII #1 are still buried at the bottom, and I'm thinking I've given up on following either of them.Infinite Crisis #1 and House of M #7: Seemingly every comics blogger and their mother has offered some sort of commentary on these two blockbusters, so I'm going to split my two cents between them. IC was overly dependent…

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CBC INFO: Ch-ch-ch-changes…

Just a little heads-up on some changes afoot here at CBC. Most significant, in terms of content, is that I will no longer be posting current reviews, including ménage à trois, or interviews here. The Editor is a megalomaniacal control freak who insists on...Oh, wait, wrong site! I'm the Editor here!Seriously, though, last week I signed on with the recently re-launched - f/k/a - one of my favorite comics sites that's home to some of the funniest, enlightening, and insightful columns on the internet. They also publish weekly reviews to which I'll be contributing my fair share, starting…

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