Commentary (and rants) on national and local politics.

Bloomfield Station

This is the Bloomfield station where I catch the train into the City every day. It's a shame that this part of it is in such a state of disrepair -- especially considering the other side just got a nice facelift -- but politics have apparently gotten in the way of its restoration and the surrounding area's revitalization. It would be nice to see a development plan that balances local flavor with notable franchises, a small movie theater and a good selection of restaurants because I'd rather not drive up to Montclair whenever we want to find something new and…

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Ignorance is Bliss

Call me a latte-sipping elitist if you want*, but there are some truly stupid people in this country. Even worse, they’re willfully stupid!

Via Ben Smith’s “Things Americans Believe”:

10% of Americans believe [Barack] Obama’s a Muslim

22% believe President Bush knew about the 9/11 attacks in advance.
30% believe Saddam had weapons of mass destruction.
23% believe they’ve been in the presence of a ghost.
18% believe the sun revolves around the earth.

I can forgive the 9/11 conspiracy theorists because I don’t trust Bush as far as I can throw him, either, and I’m totally open to the idea of ghosts, but anyone still believing Saddam had WMDs is an example of willful stupidity.

And 18% believe the sun revolves around the earth!?!?



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Olbermann Pounds Nail Into Clinton Coffin


Again, Keith Olbermann cuts to the chase:

You actually used the word “assassination” in a time when there is a fear, unspoken but vivid and terrible, that our again-troubled land and fractured political landscape might target a black man running for president.

Or a white man.

Or a white woman!

You actually used those words, in this America, Senator, while running against an African-American against whom the death threats started the moment he declared his campaign?

Just another sleep deprivation-induced gaffe — and this from the woman who claims to be ready for that 3am phone call? — or Freudian slip?


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Poetry: Where Your Vote Really Counts

Tired of the never-ending Democratic Primary and annoyed that, in the end, your vote might not really count anyway if the Super Delegates opt to nominate the candidate not in the lead when all is said and done? As in many other aspects of life, poetry offers a much-needed alternative. is running an election for the Poet Laureate of the Blogosphere and Tony Brown, a good friend and worthy candidate, is currently leading the race by a narrow margin over someone named Rob McClennan whom, in the spirit of Presidential elections, I know nothing about and won't bother to…

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I’m Not Dead

…but I certainly feel like I’ve been buried alive lately!


Speaking, tangentially, of being careful what you wish for*, I’d totally understand if Obama was really close to just saying “screw y’all” and handing the nomination to Clinton. Hunter S. Thompson’s sentiment — paraprashing someone else, I believe — “In a democracy, people usually get the kind of government they deserve, and they deserve what they get.” has never felt truer than the past month or so. Thanks to the new job, I’ve successfully taken a break from the Democratic primary and avoided last night’s debate, but Andrew Sullivan’s on-the-fly take and IllDoctrine’s parody (above) confirmed that it was even worse than I expected it to be. Say what you want about Clinton’s “right” to continue her campaign, when your only hope is to carpet bomb your opponent and hope he doesn’t survive the assault, I’d say that’s akin to one’s First Amendment rights stopping at yelling “Fire!” in a movie theater.


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I just can’t resist


[from the Jed Report, via Ben Smith]

And for some background, the Washington Post‘s Mary Ann Akers dug up Sinbad, the comedian who accompanied Clinton on that harrowing peace-keeping mission to Bosnia in 1996, along with other noted crisis negotiators Sheryl Crow and a pre-teen Chelsea Clinton, for this enlightening flashback:


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