Comment: The Comics Blogiverse

The myriad comic book-related blogs that have sprung up over the past couple of years run the gamut from unpretentious reviews and commentary by enthusiastic fans to jaded bile and snark by agenda-driven wannabes looking to break into the industry. The Comic Weblog Linkatron 5000 links to them all without prejudice so I thought I'd offer up quick takes on some of my favorites, all linked (and newly updated) in the left-hand column under Comic Blogs.The BeatHeidi MacDonald is the real deal, an industry veteran covering the news of the day with an occasional dose of intelligent snark. Only downside…

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Our 7th Anniversary

Rereading that last post, it almost sounds like our vacation sucked, but that’s just work filtering through and tainting my perspective. We had a great time, the most “quality time” we’ve had together since…hell, Spain in 2000, right before Isaac was born?

I was thinking about the past 7 years the other day, and what’s changed since July 18, 1998:

1) Bill Clinton was President and was somewhere in the process of being impeached for the whole Monica Lewinsky psuedo-scandal. George W. Bush was Governor of Texas and netted $14 million from the sale of the Texas Rangers, a nice profit from his $600,000 investment…with borrowed money!

2) The first Gulf War had still not been officially declared over, and I was still in the NJ National Guard.

3) A month after our wedding, I was on the Nuyorican Poets Café’s only National Poetry Slam Championship team, and had just started running a little bit louder a couple of months before that.


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Spring Cleaning in July

We celebrated Independence Day by giving our prison cell apartment a thorough scrubbing. "Thorough" as in near-blisters and aching joints when we were done. Except we weren't really done, because we still have our bedroom and closets to do tonight. That this includes a new bed, desk and rug - completing the Extreme Makeover - makes it all a bit more bearable.It's funny how you can go months without realizing you've simply been treading water, waiting for something to happen instead of making it happen. We hadn't really done much with the apartment since we'd started looking at houses, and…

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OPEN CALL: Writers Wanted

With most of my content going over to Buzzscope these days, Comic Book Commentary is looking like the red-headed stepchild since no one else has stepped up to fill the void. As a result, most of our traffic is now coming from Google searches hitting old content instead of regular readers returning via their bookmarks and RSS feeds.So, I think it's time to freshen things up by issuing an open call to potential contributors and adding some fresh blood into the mix. If you've been randomly writing about comics in your personal blog, or on whatever message boards you might…

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Quick & random:1) My quarterly apology to all those I've lost contact with. Again. If it hasn't been directly connected to family, work or comics, I probably haven't dealt with it. That means unanswered emails, voicemails, etc. Please don't take it personally. Hopefully I'll be seeing some of you in the next couple of weeks.2) Congratulations to Dyanna & Steve on their pregnancy, and Joanne & Juan on their new house. Let's see how much time you guys have for D&D now!3) Softball game tonight. Yankees/Mets tomorrow afternoon. Two parties tomorrow night (though I think we'll only be able to…

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Pull List Review: June 2005

Here's what I'm currently buying on a regular basis, and why. What about you?100 GirlsBecause it's a great story, and Adam Gallardo's an interesting guy.15 MinutesBecause it makes C-list superheroes interesting.Action PhilosophersBecause it's smart and funny and takes more than 5 minutes to read each issue.ArañaBecause I really wanted it to be good, and have been hoping it gets there. (Though, honestly, my hope is fading fast.)The AtheistBecause it has an intriguing plot and a brother as a lead character who isn't a stereotype. (Well, not a bad one, at least, because he's definitely a bit of the stereotypical Sam…

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Try Something Different: 6/15/05

Support Independent Comics!Independent comics (and manga) being released tomorrow, 6/8/05, courtesy of ComicList. Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it.Recommendations, sometimes blind, in BOLD. Which ones are YOU reading?AARDVARK-VANAHEIM/WIN-MILL PRO Following Cerebus #4, $3.95AARDWOLF PUBLISHING Conflicts Of Disinterest SC Sgn (AA), $9.95 Gods 15 Minutes Five Books Of Meth SC (AA), $17.95 Perverts Pedophiles And Other Theologians GN (AA), $9.00 Strange Kaddish Tales You Wont Hear From Bubbie GN 2nd Prtg, $11.95ABSTRACT STUDIOS Strangers In Paradise #74, $2.95 Strangers In Paradise Molly…

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