10 Random Reasons I’m Addicted to This Blogging Thing

  1. Thought I saw him there tonight. Could have sworn I saw something like him kneeling and waiting. My heart jumped a bit thinking that maybe he knew and came. But when I blinked, I realized that it was someone else’s him waiting for another her. I could only blink again, this time something wet and threatening to flood. Made my way to baggage claim and just stood there numb. Head down. Saw a faded pair of Levis and a pair of black and white shell toes next to me and my heart jumped again. Looked up and it was another him. He apologized for bumping into me. I wanted him to apologize for not being who I wanted him to be. And then I didn’t blink back fast enough and the tears came. I wiped them away quickly and decided to feel nothing.Bassey
  2. last night- i read ‘Getting Ronald Reagan to Visit the South Bronx’ (the greatest title i have yet to dream up for any of my pieces) and when i got off stage- i could care less what ‘my select few’ thought. it was a great moment of being really free of my own constraints and, as things turn out in life, one of the select few made it a point to comlpiment me on the new work. others gave me the polite silence and some the ‘not bad’ and they all felt the same.Oscar Bermeo
  3. My therapist, knowing this, has asked me if the general air of dread in the country has contributed to my depression; she even is pushing the idea that I’m undergoing some kind of delayed reaction to the stress I dealt with on 9/11 and in the weeks following, especially all those weeks of “travel education” (read: grief counseling/shouting matches) I ran for all the folks here at work who lost friends and colleagues. Sessions I wasn’t really qualified to run, but which I jumped in and did like a good soldier, because, you know, I’m like that.Tony Brown (more…)

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Pumpkin Seeds: 1/18/2004

1. How do you spell implosion? D-E-A-N. In less than 24 hours, the Iowa caucus will have its say and, despite the high-profile endorsements, the internet-driven fundraising, the months-long blessing from the media, Howard Dean's campaign has hit a wall. Hard. It's looking more and more like the Matrix than Lord of the Rings: a great beginning overshadowed by an ending full of muddleheaded plotting and a lethal preference for style-over-substance. In his narcissistic attempt to "take our country back," he's not only distracted thousands of well-intentioned progressives from the candidate that's actually represented their ideals for years - that…

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Pumpkin Seeds: 1/12/2004

1. I can't stand people who barely know their own jobs getting snippy and trying to tell other people how to do theirs. My boss has the worst phone manners with people in other departments, as well as with customer service people at other companies. And if I have to hear one more time about "When I was a publisher...," I just may snap. Get over it! Your Publisher days are over and, at the rate you're going, your marketing days aren't looking too bright, either. 2. Thanks to bonehead plays by Brett Favre and the Packer D, we get…

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20 things you may not know about me

Okay, okay! Not sure if I can come up with 20 things you may not know about me (especially if you’ve read this journal regularly the over the past year) but I’ll give it a shot and try not to repeat anything. Take your pick in laying the blame for this: Dawn, Tony or RAC.

1. I skipped the first two weeks of all of my classes my senior year in High School. I lied my way back into all but one, my Health class, a half-year requirement. Took in the final semester and had to take my final on a different day thanks to a schedule conflict. The test was misplaced and not graded and the day before graduation, at rehearsal, I was told I wasn’t graduating. They found it later that day and everything worked out but I was as scared as I’d ever been for those few hours.

2. I was on the Winter Track team that year. Hurdles and the 400m relay. Nearly blacked out during my first relay competition. Went from 1st to 5th in my first hurdles event after tripping over the last hurdle. The assistant coach was also my Meterology teacher (half-year elective, anyone?) and gave 5 points towards the final grade for every individual medal won. I won two medals. I got a 75 in the class. (Side note: He was also a Jets fan, his stated reason for letting me back into his Oceanography class after missing two weeks, per #1.)

3. I smoked weed for the first time that year, in the courtyard where most people openly smoked cigarettes. This was Lakeland High School, the school I was uprooted from Mt. Vernon for at the end of the 11th grade because it had better test scores and was in “a better environment.” Translation: white neighborhood.

4. I turned down a scholarship to the School of Visual Arts (film) in 1987 to concentrate on being a full-time Jehovah’s Witness.

5. My first roommate after I left home (and the JW’s) in 1988 had a girlfriend that was on Pan Am’s Flight 108 that crashed in Lockerbie that year. We had a Christmas party planned for that weekend and she was to come down for it and stay for the week.


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Verizon, Alvin Ailey and D&D

I think Verizon's out to get me! Ever since we've switched to cable internet and forsaken the land line, I've been encouraging others to do the same. Now, on the weekend I get my super-duper Napster MP3 player, our cable is suddenly and mysteriously screwed up and I haven't had internet access since sometime on Saturday. A technician's coming by tomorrow to check things out. Fortunately I downloaded my 20 free songs from Napster before it crapped out so I have something to listen to on the train but I'm getting anxious to add to my collection before we hit…

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Last cigarette: One week ago. A Newport while at Acentos. Last big car ride: This past June, to VA and back, getting our stuff out of storage. Last kiss: Quick one this morning, better one last night. Last good cry: Not recently enough. Last library book checked out: What's a library? Last one I bought was Prayer for America. Last movie seen: Bones, on DVD. (I feel like I'm wearing dirty underwear on the day I get hit by a car!) Last beverage drank: Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! Coffee! Last food consumed: Jalapeño & Cheddar Bagel w/Cream Cheese. Last crush: My…

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Recipe for sea-sickness on land: 1 big helping of working in the financial district in lower Manhattan 1 extremely windy day 1 33-story office building creaking and swaying in the wind 3 out of 6 elevators in said building out of service 2 of the elevators in service randomly skipping floors Mix in 7 trips between your office on the 25th floor to the art department on the 27th floor, and 4 cups of low-grade corporate coffee. Shake.

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