Calm down, people (Part II)

One of the must-read blogs for coverage of the primaries is Talking Point Memo's Election Central, and they've just posted the text of an Obama campaign memo noting the strong fundraising over the first 8 days of the new year -- more than $8 million plus 35,000 new donors, which includes me and my now $100 in donations -- and their strategy and prospects for the upcoming primaries in Nevada, South Carolina and Super Duper Tuesday. Of particular note: In all of the February 5th states, we have active chapters at most colleges and universities and are pursuing support from independent voters aggressively…

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Calm down, people

“In the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope!”
— Barack Obama

Anyone falling for the media spin that Hillary Clinton’s victory last night in New Hampshire was an upset (or even a comeback) is suffering from a seriously short attention span. She was leading pretty comfortably there before Iowa and managed to salvage a 3% victory over the upstart Barack Obama who, I think, got a little caught up in the hype around the historical import of his candidacy and coasted a little bit. She did it through a mix of old school political strategy, going negative against Obama in the final couple of days, and an accidental slip of her robotic demeanor that revealed the human being underneath. Anyone who thinks the latter will come to define her campaign moving forward is crazy.

That said, I think her narrowly winning NH is a good thing for Obama as he will benefit more than her from an extended campaign that runs, at least, through Super Duper Tuesday — I refuse to call it Tsunami Tuesday — because it will give him the opportunity to clarify a couple of things about himself, including the simple fact that on the political experience front, he trumps both Clinton and Edwards, as Phil West pointed out on his Obama blog:

But the top three Dem candidates actually have very similar resumes, despite Clinton’s familiarity with the White House from having lived in it. All three are lawyers who have folded activism in some form into their legal careers. If you’re looking at their careers as elected officials, Obama actually has the edge, having spent a decade in either the U.S. Senate or the Illinois legislature, whereas Clinton is on her seventh year as a U.S. Senator (with no prior eleced office) and Edwards served one six-year term. 

Speaking of Edwards, I’m glad he’s not dropping out yet because his voice is an important one to have in the mix and my guess is he will continue to target Clinton as the “status quo” candidate, allowing Obama to focus on representing his campaign’s powerful message of hope. His speech last night was arguably as good, if not better, than his speech Iowa as it had a slightly harder edge to it, challenging Americans to stand up and be heard, to not let anyone tell us what can’t be done, echoing JFK’s “Ask not…” with his own catchphrase, “Yes We Can!”


Check out the full text of Obama’s “Yes we can!” speech.


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Flashback: Why I Slam…

[Going through the archives trying to figure out what to read tomorrow at the Nuyorican and I came across this little ditty, a typically belligerent, sophomoric effort from that crazy Summer of 1998! Backstory here.] Why I Slam... Hi my name is Guy and I’m not an alcoholic I just drink a lot. Can you spare some change? Drinking is an expensive habit that poetry just doesn’t support begging the question...Why? Why poetry? I pondered over this one humid summer night halfway through my second draft of a cold pint of inspiration reflecting on that first poem way back when…

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Truth is an Olympic Gymnast

Truth is an Olympic Gymnast"A lie told often enough becomes the truth."LeninI believe in truthraw, unvarnishedhurt your feelings, if necessaryTRUTH.The more I have to losethe more truthfulI tend to be.I'm self-destructive that way.So, sometimes…I lie.Little white liesLies of omissionOutright whoppers intended toburn the house down.I'm whimsical that way.I believe in telling the truth to your friendsand lying to your enemiesas long as you're surewho's who.Until then,lie to everybody.Flagrantly, extravagantly, them poemsand they will love you for it.I believe in truth, liesand avoiding the videotapewhich never liesunless it's been edited.I believe the moon landing was stagedand aliens have been running the…

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The following is very loosely based on an Oulipo writing exercise, via my friend Oscar, in anticipation of my hitting the Open Mic on Monday with something new for the first time in a couple years. "Very loosely" meaning I went with the general concept of the exercise he gave me and rolled with it as the "poem" wrote itself. The end result is actually kind of Oulipian, I guess, based on Monica de la Torre's definition: "Every word that you jot down brings to mind an onslaught of other words and ideas that lead you further and further away…

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More Uncle Sam & the Freedom Fighters, Please

Newsarama has an interview with Uncle Sam and the Freedom Fighters co-writers Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray that includes some commentary on the evolution of the mini-series from Grant Morrison's initial revamp of the characters -- with no credit given to Will Eisner, Lou Fine, Arthur Peddy, Paul Gustavson, Len Wein or Dick Dillin for the original creations -- to the story I've been enjoying far beyond my expectations when it was previewed in Brave New World.Justin Gray: It's interesting how the series has evolved behind the scenes. Two years ago we started working with a blueprint developed by Grant…

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Marketing Monday: A Simple Plan, Part II

Last week I covered the first three steps of Kevin Stirtz' "Smart Marketing System", focusing on a marketing plan's Goals, Market and Message, and this week I'll take a look at the final two pieces of this simple but apparently often confounding puzzle: 1. The GOALS or objectives you want to accomplish 2. The MARKET you want to reach 3. The MESSAGE you want to deliver to your market 4. The MONEY you are willing to spend to deliver your message 5. The MEDIA you will use to deliver your message Money and Media, of course, are pretty much inseparable,…

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