COMMENT: Comics Bloggers’ Poll 2005 Results

UPDATEDThe results are in from the inaugural Comics Bloggers' Poll 2005, and like so many voting experiences of mine over the past six years or so, I find myself once again disappointed in my fellow Americans bloggers.James Meeley notes the skewed turnout, with only 2 of the 50 bloggers voting being women, while Ragnell comments that it was "mostly superhero fans who voted." I'm only familiar with exactly half of the voters' blogs, but of those, there's a pretty good mix of tastes, so I'm not sure how much weight to give that particular observation.Anyway, the results (top five for…

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CBC Quickees: TPB Bonanza; Morrison Spotlight

Let's just get to it, yes?Black HoleBy Charles Burns (Pantheon, 2005; $24.95)There are some comic books that I simply do not have the critical vocabulary to properly review, like a casual art fan who finds himself in The Prado standing speechless before Breughel's "The Triumph of Death" in all its full-size glory. I know it's an amazing piece of art, but anything I might say about it seems inadequate. I felt that way after first reading Blankets a year ago, almost to the day, and I feel that way now about Charles Burns' freaky Black Hole. It's a stunning piece…

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On The Shelves: 1/18/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 1/18/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]AFTER HOURS 7 Days To Fame #2 (Of 3), $3.99One of several comics I owe a review of, the first issue was...interesting.AMAZE INK (SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS) Vaistron #3, $2.95Robot porn and so much more from the same sick bastard who…

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On The Shelves: 1/11/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 1/11/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]ANTARCTIC PRESS Gold Digger Color Remix #1 (Of 4), $2.99Think I'm going to finally check this one out. Flipped through a couple of issues in the past, and it didn't grab me, but I'm still curious.ASPEN MLT INC Soulfire Vol…

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INFO: Comics Bloggers’ Poll 2005

Did you "create or contribute to a comics blog" in 2005? Then you probably have some pretty strong opinions about what you liked and didn't like in comics last year, yes? Now you can add your two cents to the discussion in a bit more concentrated way via the Comics Bloggers' Poll 2005.The comics blogging community is one of contradictions. Some writers enjoy the sensational excitement of mainstream superheroics, while others prefer the quieter and more varied fare of independent works. Some offer considered, even-handed analysis, while others shoot from the hip and refuse to make apologies for their passions.…

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LINK: Even More on Speakeasy

Chuck Saterlee pulls the curtain back a bit further over on the Bendis Board thread that started it all. I'm quoting it in its entirety as I wouldn't be surprised if he was asked/made to delete it at some point, as it airs what could charitably be called dirty laundry.My name is Chuck Satterlee and I have/had two books with Speakeasy. The titles are SMOKE & MIRROR and OF BITTER SOULS.My association with Speakeasy has been decent on a personal level and disastrous on a professional level.To start, I have never had a personal problem with Fortier or anyone else,…

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COMMENT: On Snobs and Good Comics Shops

I hate snobs. Of any stripe, really; literature, movies, music, TV...I hated them in the poetry scene, where snobbery usually takes the form of condencension towards anyone who was popular and/or topical, without necessarily being the finest craftspeople. I hate them equally in the comics scene, where superhero fans are looked down upon like high school dropouts and [insert late-shipping indie darling du jour here] is offered up as the equivalent of a GED, their first step to a better, more fulfilling four-color life.MEMO TO THE COMICS BLOGIVERSE: Stop trying to tell people that what they read sucks, and what…

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