Tag: Rant

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Reality Bites

A public apology to Helen Yum for not getting downtown to wish her farewell last night. 🙁 I tried, really I did, but between Sunday’s trip to the zoo and all the walking I did yesterday, by the time we’d gotten the kids ready for bed and I picked up the laundry, I was exhausted.

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

This entry is for poetry slam geeks only.

This whole 5×3 idea that Taylor came up with for the National Poetry Slam – 5 teams, 3 POEMS per bout as opposed to 3×4, or the more recent 4×4 – isn’t necessarily the death of Nationals as some have lamented. It is, however, a flawed band-aid that emphasizes the competition in a way that

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Pumpkin Seeds: 4/13/2004

1. There’s something about the concept of The Swan that really turns my stomach. 2. If George Huff isn’t in the top three of American Idol, America deserves a daily primetime version of The Swan. 3. Despite his accent, which is getting inexplicably stronger each week, I’m rooting for Boston Rob on Survivor: All Stars.

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Pumpkin Seeds: 3/22/2004

1. 3-day weekends that become 4-day weekends due to nasty viruses suck. 2. Crazy Wilson is my new [South] American Idol. 3. I don’t remember the circus being such a musical production. Other than the lions and horses (booooooorrrrrrring!), though, it was a pretty exciting show. Especially the daredevilly stuff. 4. Ringmaster Kevin Venardos quite

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Sent my BRIO submission in today, two days before the deadline. Thank you, Express Mail! It’s the first time I’ve submitted for something like this – other than a single poem entered in a Literal Latte contest way back in 1999; I just don’t have the self-discipline – and it was a real challenge to

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

It’s the ego talking

So I’m trying to finish this new piece [have I mentioned Acentos is tonight?] that came out of nowhere a little over a week ago and I go to open it up in Word a few minutes ago and I notice another file cryptically named “post,” last modified on 5/14/2003. Curious, I open it and

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Pumpkin Seeds: 3/8/2004

1. I just noticed my redesign pretty much killed the “angry pumkpin” tag. Other than in the title bar, it doesn’t even appear anywhere. Hmmm… 2. Watched Deep Blue Sea Saturday night while working on the web site. Twice, actually, as TNT showed it back-to-back. Silly movie but it’s got the Best Death Scene Ever

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Stark lines in the sand

A recent discussion in Morris Stegosaurus’ journal and a conversation last night about the poetry scene got me thinking about change and evolution and what influences both. I haven’t been to Bar 13 in the longest and have been waiting for the next UPPERCASE to come around as a reason to go. UPPERCASE always represented

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Rally for Kerry a Big Mistake

Let’s ignore the undemocratic idiocy of the fact that on the one day of the primary season that the most delegates are up for grabs, there’s only four of the ten original candidates actively running, one of whom has been routinely referred to as “the presumptive nominee” for the past few weeks. Let’s ignore the

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Pumpkin Seeds: 3/1/2004

1. If I had gone for the Lord of the Rings sweep (that I’d hoped for but didn’t expect) and not taken a gamble on a couple of other longshot upsets, I’d have done better than 67% with my picks last night. Considering I hadn’t seen the vast majority of the nominees, though, it wasn’t

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